plan of ' daily bathing for health ; but finding-by'Tob
lowing his' direÉiôii- that the dangers- he reprefented
were to’ he avoided, I rèfolved to follow it, and derived
gréât benefit from the .practice - as long às I remained
[in thdjcolhny. This 'negro alfo advifed ’me- to walk
bare-footed -and thinly dreffed.1 ' Nh-wn^tbe Teafbn,
« Maffera,” faid he, « to ufeybür feet to bicbméhâfd;
« \yy walking"-bn the fimôoth-'bdàrds^êf thé'vèflS ; -the
« time may come‘when youcwill be ob%edkeMb lb for
« want of- Ihoes, i n the midft'of thorns and briefs,'%s [
« have feeh fomé others,
« is fcccHàd hattife’: niir ’feet were all mfede alikë. Do fo
« as i advife you? and in the-end^ydtf "will tharik old
« Garamaca. ‘As’ for being-tiiinly'drefibd,Continued the
negrbj1 u a Ihiiti and; 7éfbvfërs isfu tty fuffieient ;! which
« not only faves troublé ahH4 ^jiéUéè,- but'thé body watits
•is* air, as well ⥠it does %àter’: foT baitiie dfi* both- when
« y0u have the opportunity.’* From that moment* I
followed To-Which,i%e4ôe^: béhif
-and cool, I in
of my life. I now frequently thbught1 on1 Paramaribo,
where I enjoyed all the delicacies of life Awhile here Ï
Was forced to have recourfe tb maiiy ék'pedienté ' much
worfe than any lavage ; yét fhould I ‘ not have repined
had any perfon profited b y bur fufferings.—But I am
forgetting the articles of war, implicitly to obey, and
a lk no queftions.
J Having,
? .Haying, on the and, ferjeant and one man c h a p .
;lick Jfo^thet hofpital at. ]^eyi]|s „Harwary we now rowed , . Y^’ f
Cagajun to the head fiction; hefere ffcjmbetibo Greek.
T(Here.-one caught Tome-fifo, amongft
whic^wasitha-t^porifie ee^alfceady^elcribed, which he
^dreffed, and eat- withihji^mparug'usf;»the, ethers; were the
-thait/mehtibhed; by the
•fid ;fl&ve'!as;-.dangerously rapaojpiis.^ Tfhis;- fife. d-st fonje-
nimes'.near two feet long.,' .obi a < flattife * makeyfealy, and
o f a hlueiftr colour; ;he -mouthilarge, ahd thick fet with
Iharp-teeth, which are. foferong,., and .the [peryf fo- vora-
'cious9 that it frequently .fnaps off the feet o f ducks- when
ffwirnming!, may e v en 'th e toes, fee fingers, 'and the
f toreafts -of womens : T h e .^ - y z ^ rnayfee (Galled a fifti in
. armour,’ toeingxx>vered over from head to. tail with brown
i coloured moveable rings, .Hiding over the other,
and joined like thofe of a lobfter,. which ferve forks defence
in place of feales. .'.This lafe is from- fix, to ten
■ inches long, with a large head grrd o f a roundife lhape.
Both the pgty and the que-queg are very gopd^eating._But
I mull for fome time lay afide fefiddfcription, and return
to my journal.
The 23d, being the djay appointed by Captain Orzinga
and myfelf for the trialof the fig&als, at' twelve o’clock
precifely the whole number of blunderbufies and tiyivels
were fired at Devil’s Harwar on board the Charon, and
on board the Cerberus ftill ftationed at Patamaca.:; - which
proved tobe to ’uo.purpofe^noiperfoh o%lbo?tt'd either of