and Where, on going afhore, Ï Rad neairly periRied by the
boat’s îhippingwiëa, and'finking in the fuff.
The Ifland'hf 'Wieringen was however the fpot*bf
général rendezvous: here Colonel FourgeOud arriving
bn the 7th Of December, the volunteers were all âSerti-
bled, to the number of five htfnclfed fine ybfntg men';
-and1 On the morning of the -8t‘h we were Tôffhèdnî|to
féven companies, and embodied1 ‘aS 'aTrëgifrieîit oftnarinés.
Befides ’the Boreas and We/î'èiHn^wêrf men-dfi-Wkr, 'Commanded
by Captains Van "de Vèlde 'ànd Cfhfs, ‘threë’ new
frigate-built transports were put in commiflion, carrying
enfign, jack, and'pennant, and armed With ffôm tSn ' to
fixféën guns, aV^ô5Jps of war'; ion board thefè véïfêfs
Wé embarked the fâtûe aftemboh unddr a généfkl falùte,
then took the command, and did the duty as in the
Oiir departure was not h'ovVëvér’imrhëdiamly ebnfe-
qüent on oûr èmbafkàfîOh'» ÎVèlaÿ Vûnd-bouhd'îh'the
Téxel roads for manydaÿs, during Which tiiïie One ôf oür
young officers, a Mr. "Heffdtttg) 'was unfortunately' feîzdâ
with 'thé fmall-pox : this gëntlëtfian, in order kb prevent'
his ihfeOting the Ihîp’s Company, 'VaSnfdêïë&IOh
ihorë to a town on thelahd’s end, called thé Üelder-i tvhére
ï .conducted him an a pinnàcë, ûn& %hërë Wë deft ‘him
bëhiïid iis ; bu t On my return,'the iWrgéctardëclaring hë*
faw the fymptoms of the fame diforder on myfelf, I was
alfo -immediately ordered to the ifland of Tex el. Haying
pafied a moft anxious quarantine in this place, I had
j E X P Eprl T I O N, T O. S U R I,N^A M.
the^gQ^--fcift^ner however i&af efcape,, thgjpathfame. malady
and m the DoCftpr’s.. furprize. appeared-once more on,
boards perfectly, well#-, jpft, before., the, figna], gun. wa$.
fired(.fi>r, the-fleet to weigh, anchor; This eircumftapce,
cannot but: iqdn^e^ me to, wifh that thofe. in
w.ho are deft-ined, fop a military or a naval, life would
ayail,ftheupfely.es, of the- art,.of inogqlatjon, in order, to:
^ a^pid.,a,, paipful anxiety to, them/elyes, and a moft dangerous
ftofecftiom^o. their, fehow-qpe.gtyii:gs,
On Chriftmas-daybug fin all fleet, put to fea, at eight
o’clpek^A- ¥ • with a frefta/hr(eeze,pfrom,R, N;vE. in,company
with' abpve, one- hundred veflels bound for-,different
parts of the glqbe, and, the- mpft, beautiful clear weather.
Having-iafeljf. got Without, the foundings, and
faluted each,other- wfth nine .gups.,, wp kept pur. cpprfe
down;' channel, and fopn paffed the., $Qr"$$Fo?el@)}d, the
IJl^q^.Jfight-y and Portland Pointy but here .tfte Weft-
eJlingweyf, having fpruhg av leak,, was, pbJige.d to part
company: and run into Plymouth for repair.
The, wind n,ow-frefhened as- we approached the Bay of,
Bifcay, where the. mate of the veflel directed, my particular
attention to a kind Ojf {^hbyallow, commonly diftinguifhe-d
by the pamie of Storm-bird from itsfuppofed pro-,
perty, of foretelling an impending temppft, The colour
o f this bird.is- a very deep bluevapproachiph to black,
and enlivened byfbme variegated tints; ityfize.is about
* The -1Stormy Petrel of Peimmtl