C H ap. for about half m inch thick, 'while k remains perfe&ly
. . hollqi^j within.- This , kernel, which has a fine flavour,
•and taftes like the liquid, is |good eating,]as. modi o f my
readers have probably experienced.
In the plate; annexed, A, is the ,manicold'tree; r5, the
trunk dplit into: laths; C, the nebee&totie themk^&ther';
jD , the leaf fplit fromthe top dowhwkrch? and:l^the fanje
tied into bunches; Hf is the cocoa-nut tee® ; <3, the figure
o f one of its branches; J/,the cocoa-nut in the green hulks
and /, the: fame divefted of that outer fubftance,
gut to proceed with my narrative.-—While-we; oohiat
nued in this flat inn, one morning, being ferarneh from a
patrol^ with twenty marines and twenty rangers, and
dktiftghound a ipecies of table to. take fiune dsnaef^wkh
the other officers, I was rudely ihfidted bfj-a C^pt^ji
Meylmd, of the Society troops, who, as iTaid, with lie u tenant
Fredericy, had taken Boucoti, and who was
Johel Fourgcoud’s countryman and friend. The affront
confifted in Meyland’s handing round to &$£ a drop of
claret, fee having indeed hut one feottie feft-, and,; in ah
impertinent manner, excepting me.alone, although I held
the glafs in my hand to receive it. 7 Jufily fufpe&ing this
infldt to originate from my commander in chief* rather
than appear to feck a quarrel, I endeavoured to make an
apology, telling him, I had inadvertently erred in holding
out my glafs, not imagining I was to be diftinguiftied
from the other officers; afluring him it was not for the
value of his wine, which I politely relinquifhed to my
4. next
Lorido7L,PuI>fis7icd J^ecrx'rijgi.by J. JohnjOTbtxFPJPaUlr 1 off . Church, Tardy.