is much recommended in all difèafès, particularly- in
.fevers.' '-vy- ’ F ; *%,r t
... Wenow fet out from-.-Paramaribo for Sporkefgift, in a
tent-boat or barge, rowed by eight of the beft negroes
belonging to Mr. Macneyl’s eftate g every body, as t have,
already mentioned, travelling by water in this’colony.-1
• Thefe barges I cannot-better defcribé than by com*
paring them c with thofe that accompany what is ^öfttólir
ftyled the Lord Mayor’s Show on th riv e * Thames. They
are, however, fomewhat left, though fame are . very little
inferior in magnificence, and are 'often.decorated with
gilded flags, fifled^hmoiificfen^- ^d-ibpwaA}Awe!ffirf
convenience. They are fometimes rowed b y ten and
even by twelve oars, and being lightly built, fweep along
With aftonifhing celerity. The roWeisiiie^efftop, from
the moment they fee out tillthe company is la n d e d ,# ;^
place of deftination; but continue, thè tide fervrng or
not, to tug night and day, fSmetimea for : tw # ^ # u r
hours together, finging ar chorus alitheiimeitfctepo«P
their fpuits. When their: labour, is aveir their
bodies ftill dripping with fweat, likeLpoft^horfesgthey
headlong, one and all, plunge into the river'ito. refrefli
“ The wanton courier thus, withvfdhs ünbéuniJ,
. « Breaks from his frail,: and beats ttó trembllng' W
« tamper’d ahd próüd, he feeks the vtontéd tidesy''
* Anil laves in height of blood his fowling fidcs.