C n‘ A P. above a thaufand hogfheads of water. This in fadl is
VI1, nef more than nCceflatfy; fitite/ according to my opinion,
it will take the whole army of Surinam to defend fo large
an extent for any length of time. Adjoining.to the: for-
tte® U alfo a large fpot of ground, well flocked with
pl&ht&ids^ yams, ^e. 5h i order-to,feedlthe Society flaves.
Which aid kept here," at the colony’s expenee, :towork
at the fortifications, undeT the infp©£tiqn of a proper
In this fort is generally Rationed a finall garrifpn, commanded
by an officer of the artillery,. Which obliges all'
veflels whatever to bring-to, fhCwtheircolours, ahd fshlte
them with fevefi guns each, the compliment being anr
fweied with three guns from the Tfetfery^ and the boiffc.
ing of a flag oh the ramparts. I ffiall only add, that
this fortrefs is, bn the north-eaft fide*;: fuiTounded Ivrithr
bogs and impenetrable buffies,’ and that the fpot was,
from thefc circpmftanecs, formerly called the gTyger’s
Having defcribed fort New Amfierdam, I cannot leave'
it without taking notice of fom® very remarkable flffi,
. which are always feen in great quantities near this town,
and which have actually four eyes, fivimmihg cOnftantly
with two above and two under the water. Thefe fifties'
are about the fize of a fmelt, and fwim in fhoals with
incredible velocity; they feem principally to delight in
brackifh water, are accounted no bad eating, and are
called coot-eye by the inhabitants of the colony.
2 . Covem onrs J lo u se
2 JbtrfLaylO-ffLcerj- |
3 V ictu a llin g Office, I
4 . M am G gard.
5 . In fa n try O fficers
6 . C arpen ters J jo iu /e\
7. The Church, 98~.. SGecrcrrwe, tWarfyn'dsr nOzfFfic,e.
lO .F arr& eks
11.. J im th lr F o rg e '
1^ 'fi^r.ove o f u ran ge Ifp es
1 3 ■ Gunpowder JHagcozzne
I f .F resh Heater C istern
lo .'FJfe«v &'refb& FTrioBgate.
1167...FThhee L6raen^dIinSgd. iFihl^alc^e7.iJc'
I f f &roTJ7iiL ‘fo r F la n ta h is
FfConder S cu lp t ■m 'sjWfauLr 'dxirSvYorcb.