Armed Barges are fent up-id defend the Rivers—Dvferrp~
tion of the 'Fortrtys . New) Anifierdam—A Cruife in fbe
upper*- PBris-yef ^Rto Gottiha < and Patarnaca— Great
Mortality amongthe
ON the third,of July, 1773, at four ohloc|: in the
morning* the fleet caft off from their moorings, and
with «the ebb tide rowed down a§ far as the fortrefs New
Ainfterdam, where, being wind and tide hound,, we
dropped anchor off theSbattery.
It may not he improper, in this place, "tc^flefcribe the
drefs of our marines*, which was blue turned up with
fcarlet, Ihort jackets, and leather eapis* They carried a
mufquet, fabre, and piffdls^ a large wallet ;ior„ knagfacfc
acrofs one fhoulder, and their hammocks:flung over the
other. While in the woods,-.they wojse, tro.\yfers‘ and
cheds. ihirts, with fliort linen frocks, as, moft adapted tq
the climate.
Having flrft reviewed both my fhip’s companies,, y izr
four fubalterns, two ferjeants,t three corporals* thirty?-
two privates, two- pilots, twenty negroes,; and my black
boy Quaco; and having, placed the arms, confifting bf
blunderbuffes, fwivels, &c. flowed the luggage, and flung
the hammocks, I perufed my orders, which were to cruife