Besly (Wm.) Efq. Tiverton, Devon.
Bates -(Ralph)' Efq. 6th Dragoons.
Bastard (JohnP.) Efq. Kitleys M. P.
B rown (Wm.) Efq. Wivelifcombe.r
Bush (Baron de) Commandant-at Curacao.
B olls (And.) Efq. Capt. in the Dutch Navy.
Blots de T reslqn {Corj Efq. Capt. in the Dutdi Navy.
B rown (— —) Efq. Briftol.
B ulguin (M r.------ ) BriftoL
B lake (Mr. Wirt). London. i j
•Boudler (Mrs.) Bath.
C. |
Canterbury (His Grace the Archbifhop of)
C hichester (Sir John) Bart. Ydulfton.
C hichester (Mrs.) Arlington.:
C hichester (Mifs) ,
Chichester (Mifs Mary MScdonald).
Cholwich (John B.) Efq.. Farringdpn Houle.
Cambridge (R. O.) Efq. Twickenham.
C holmley (Nath.) Efq. Howlhapi.
Cowley (John) Elq. London, ' |
Campbell (Rt. Hon. 1 lay) Edinburgh^.
Cholmondelby (G.) Efq. London.,
Croft (John)' Efq. York.
Cooksley (J. Sparked EOv Aflihurton. ,
D over (Rt. H ob. Lord).
D ouglas (Gen. Robert); Holland. , : , ,
D untz (Sir John) Bart. Rockbe* Houfe.
D rew (Richard) Efq. Exerer.
D ennys (Nicholas) Efq. Tiverton,
D owce (Francis) Efq^Richmoiid. .
D anby (W m .) Efq- Swinton.
D rummond ( J .) Efq. M. D , Jamaica. ;
D ucarrell (------- ) Efq. Exmouth.
D elaval
D elaval (E. Huffey) Efq. London.
D ickenson (Benj.) Efq. Tiverton;
D unsford (Mr.' Martin) Author, of the Memoirs of Tiverton.
De G raav (©id,« Arid. ’.DtjJ Elq. Surinam.
D es Borgnes (Gol/'BrifèvalJ- Fourgeoud’s Marines.
E rving (George) Efq. London. 1
E uler (— — ) Efq. for the Library of his Serene Highnefi the
* Prince of Orange.
; ju , -
F itzwilliam (Right Hon. Earl) ,
F errier (CdliiWjây) of His M&jeliy’s Scots Brigade. Ï
F redericy (---- - ) Efq. 'Governor .of-rSurinam.
F reeman (-||w)tElqivChûîe Lodge; -
F reeman (Mrs^Elizabeflj). ,
F itzgerald (Mifs) Grange, Ireland.
F qllet (Rev. Mr. John) Tivertoh:. ( '
F attet (Mr. Barth. François).
F lower (Mr.) London.5'vï'
F lçwer (Mr. Benj:)‘f Cambridge, i ‘
G uildford (Right Hon. Earl of ). \
G ordon (Col Robert) Députy^Governqr at the-Cape of Good Hope.
G raham (John) Efq.' M. D. . Jam^da, • „jj
Grinstone (Henry) Efq. Wefton.
G rinstone (Thomas) Efq.. Kilnwick.
G oodwin (G. R.) Efq. Bath.
G odefrooy (Mrs. Eliz.) Surinajrt
G ray (Mifs Jane). Edinburgh.
H eathfield (Rt. Hon. Lord).
H arrowby. (Rt.” Hon. Lord) Saridon, StaffbrdQiire. *
H amilton (Sir Alexander) Bart. Retreat.
HlLD-Y.AltD (Sir Robert D’Arcy) Bart. Wineftead, York,
b 2 H astings