CHAP. ' century. For if fuch a meafüre fhoiïld- be rafhîy em*
forced, I take the liberty to-propl^efy* that tfroufands
and thoufands, both white and black, may repent, and
more be ruined by it, when the evil can-no more'be
From what I have learned by inquiry, from perfons-
well informed on’ the fubjeÊt, it clearly appears^ -that
numbed' of the -negroes offered for fale have been
taken in battles, and made prifolers of war ;. -While
many others have been fcandaloufly kidtiapped, and
feme others tranfported for offences, &c. ; of all which
I fhall produce a few examples in future. $
Thefè groups of people-are mârched from e very in land
part, to the factories eredted by différent nktioffs
upon the coaft, where they are fold, or more properly
fpeaking, bartered, like the- other prodUéfiohk1 of fh e ir
coontryÿ'y#«; gold, ekphamkt#^h,';!!Sâ^o-theÊaM^péfiiS^.
for bars of iron, .fire-arms, carpenters tools,, chefts*
linens, hats, knives, glafles, tobacco, fpirits* 8?cb -Next
they are embarked for exportation, during which time
they, without contradiction, feci all the-pah-gs that mental
or corporeal mifery can inflicR. {Being, tbrn from their country
and deareff: connections, Rowed hundreds together in a
dark flanking hold, the fexes'being feparated ; while the
men are kept ,in chains to prevent an infurrebtion. In
this manner are they floated over turbulent feas, not certain
what is to be. their deflinyy and generally fed during
the paffagewith horfe-dbeans and oil For their whole fubfift- c H A P;
ence. But thefe’fufferfnfs are ofitel alleviated witli better ^ ^
food‘by t-hev mbre*humane: fb far, t h a t f m c ^ ^ f o f
th*e ^ rg o ’tdie durilg the' paffagbfah'd tlWwIleie crew a r-
pv p h e a lth y ''‘in' the Wen? Indies.* cveife'femember ohe'
inffanGfel^hefee 'the }captain,' riMl,'" ktitf? moft of | the
faiWnj,1' having fea,' fo til at the’cefnalning
few £oul& not wofk the' fhip without the n'egrois aflidr-
ance, 'ybt thefe ikff havittg been Avell f'iMfed,^ helped at
laft to run the veffel }bn fflbrey 'h'yfIvhicii mills'" the4
not-Only faved nc^ny lives,'but ‘tambiy;>nd5 chear-
fullywlloWed themfelvfe tb bfe' ie'tched!) andiifold'"to ady
pCrfon ' ifh ii would plefale to hbypjhem.—Having^madb
thefe'^eflbblibns, I ftiall -nbw briefly "proceed With the
manner in'Which the BayefeMM^ailfiofe'd bf. “
' No Sooner is a Guinea-ffiip arrived, than afil'the Hkfes’
are led Upontdeck, where they' are?refrelhed with' pure
air, plan tails, bananas, ..oranges',J StGt’fand'being properly
cleaned, waffled, and their hair ftiav'ed in different figures'
of ftars, haif-mooris^’"8ccv which’pbey’generally do the
one to the other, (lading no razors) By the help 'of a
broken bottle and withbitt'foap. After tMs operation, one
part o f them is felt afliore for fale, dedofated withtpieces
of cotton to ferve as fig-leaves, arm-bands, beads, 'See.
being all the captain’s property ; while the others fpend:
the day in dancing,' hallooing, and clapping- hand? on
board the veffel.