irreCQncdc&bJefteibpfcrj and at the fame time confcious
when I
thought ^myfelf ill,treated; hut foCffit/fof’gdfctrifling injuries#
f and was -np^, determined» ;by my a#ive and afiabla
behaviour, to make him my friend if poffible.
■r ^Ailength theywllhcd^or hour, arrived5-landifeeiegap-
F^t^«9»iiiKs-;ftppf,0aeh$l' I , ^ n t half a
iftile from* the:f camp .to meet him* aG^ainthag him that
I was| som k^m ? IfaeMpqeyi&M igfaiw* and^to herve w -
det;|ii^ imthediate command, Which he having: anfwered
with ^-ibdMt>sI::S«tiKaediit, -aod- vm marehedl together to
the: grangers! caftfipi j
| .yhfi.j^)5CUy.l;epees in this march -were the troops taking
from the enemy three villages,- particularly one
c^jted'the; &ce Ci^/^v^©h accouflf'of .the :gfeatiquan-
t&y o f risewhich-was found there, feme ripe' and fame
m full; bloflom,, which |ree totally deftreyed, after put-,
ting the rebels to flights Thefe were commanded by
one Bonny* a relentlefs Mulatto, who Was born in the fo-
reft, and Was quite unconnected with Baroh’s party, which
had lately been driven fromBoucoO. We further learn-r
ed that they had found feven -human pulls fluck upon
flakes, under which lay mouldering the bodies above
ground, and part o f the garments, fas may be feen in the
annexed, plate) and which proved them to he the remains
of the unfortunate Lieutenant Lepper, with fix of his
unhappy men* moft of whom being taken alive, had. one
by one been ftripped naked by the rebel negroes at the
arrival in their village, and (for the. recreation of their
wives and children) by Bonny’s orders flogged to death.
Yol. I. G g a This