s N A R R A T I V E o f a n
C H A P. that of'a large fnarjin or fwallow / i f is web-footed ; the
bill i f f # ? / long a’ndfharp, and theWiiigS of" an extraor- .
dinaryf length, which enable'it to fly Very- fafly and for
a’ confiderable time, Ikimming with incredible Velocity
aroundthe horizon: it futjfifts entirely upon fifo, Which
isr probably the caufe of its being"' fenfiblb o f th e trft'in dications
of whatever in'ay present* its1 iifu^l Supply of
food: it then' flies along Ny ithextremb fwifthelV; Irf ofdef"*
to avoid the ftorm: ; but if overtake^ b y ‘i^drops^its^
wings* and floats upon the furfaqe ctf the Way^. ; ^ ^
‘ On the following d3y / J a n U a r y ; ^ / ^ ^
tfons ’fef" the "ftorm-bird' wit^n#idfied f a h e tv f jjafei
fprung up from ’ wRfchfhff ^ e ^ ii^ e r r e Y
the Boreas and Vigilance were fepardted1 fhlm'|pft
kept our courfe during the night wifh dlmrae ^e-ffedtop-
f a l^ ?aM all the hatdWefc laid,;whicl/foade our rhbndff
general very Tick. Here I on fh t not to-forget that by>
- wayfof experimeiif: wediad filing the’ hatnnfOcks y tm a tt.
fhips, and nor as vffual forfe and'af^4 Vliich* ‘foethod^we1
found howevfer to behoth fo^roonrfy and convenient, th^t
it has been fincWclop^ed Tty feVeral oth er vefleE: '
On the m'orningf^ f the 4th ve fpied a ftoht fhip
to windward in thC'Offing, kharing^ifrefgT{r'd0#h "upon
us. Conjecturing the might be an ^Atgerme^r,atP from
the African coaft, ahdh'ow’bht two (hips’ otifof five, we1
p r e p a r e d to engage h e r; fhe however fbon proved to be
the Boreas man-of-war^whic^ ha^ parted company on
the ad. From this date the men were daily exercifed at
j - . the
E X P Et> I T I O N TO S U R I NAM .
th i groat ■ guns, and by firing at a target fufpended from ch a p .
the-yard-arm. 1.
' ° n the 14th,*itf thé moaning-Watch, we palled the ‘fro-
pici^N^Éék thé- ufüal Geremony bfe'ducking th-e frefli-water
^ilors -Was ranfomed by tipping; the foremaft men with
fome.filler; i About this ■ time the Bórèas moft unluckily
lofLonebf h è rb é ft feahien, the boatfwahfs mate, whofe
handdflippin-g^by 4$ie wét,'her‘-pitched from the fore-yardarm
into-the feag His ‘prefénce ;bf mind in calling to '
thé captain, as hb*fl0a'ted'^l|n|;te, “ Be kót alarmed1 for
w Me^ 'f i r f in >the yoópfidenie| 'dfaheéting1 With relief, attracted
peculiar ebmpafBon*- arid 'even caufedifomemur-
müBn^cas-no affiftantfélVisbïFèféd'him| intbhfequence
of which, '-after fwimmïng' ^-óoniiderahle time' Within *
|M i :the unfortunate yèiin’g'man wfefit to fh e bottom.
~ We how'Werégot-in the traa-ofthe tfadekvind},which
blowing-continually eiff, and the leather becoming from
day to day more temperate, made tlië voyage exceedingly
pleafant; -more -f0')^:|hb'man^^^ifof t^hich
beautiful' fifh ffeem to take peculiar delight' i’rt (porting -
around ‘the -veffëls. The read ddlphin, which- is ' Of the
Cetaceous- kind,- was ancïenilf Celebrated in poetic Rory
on> account of its philanthropy and-other füppofed virtue's:
! but1 to the dorado or dolphin of thé kroHèf-fis^ this
êhaca&er is fa-r from being applicable, this fi(h béing'ex-
tre’mely voracious,-and deftf.Mivq, hhd is known to'follow
&ips> and- exhibit his fpofts and gambols/not
from attadhffiCht to mankind* but from the more felfifli
• Vol» I. '■ ■ q motive