QH4 r wable to return the fire more than- 0nee,
. , tfieir fituatioa preventing them from- re-loading their
mufquets. Their gallant commander* being imprudently
by a gold-laced hat, was ftiot through the
heap in the fijrft onfet. The fern that fcrambfcd öjit? of
the upon the banks were immodiatfly put to
death hi thf moft barbarous manner,, except five ©P fix,
Who were taken prifoners and carried alive to the fettle-
ipent of the. rebels,. The melancholy fate o f tRef© unfortunate
men, I lhall, ia.a^proper place, défcrpbe,. as I had
it fiiice from, thofe that were.èye-witneiTesof in.
The intelligence badfcareely reached' Paramaribo, than
the whole town .was in a tumult; fome partis^ were 1R vehement
that: they were ready to tear the governor- and
council to pieces,, for having difmifièd Colonel Fourgeoud
with his regiment.! while otihers ingenuoafly declared^
that if we were intended for no further: uf© than wé*M<ï
hitherto been,, our company might without regret be cföp
penfed- with.. All. this could not but he exceedingly gal—
Eng tO( ,o,n?; officers* who? wifhedi nothing more' thah to
be employed'rOij» actual ifenvice. for rhe^ad vantage o f'th e
eolpny. Qn the Other fide* naofk bitter lampöënk Weffe?
fpread through- the, town, againft the governor and his;
council ;• .libel&of fiach a black and in fl&rnmatory natur e,;.
that no 1'efs than a thpufand. gold ducats were offered as a
reward/for. the difcovery of their author, with, a promife of
concealing thé name bf the ipforpej’ if he requRed.it f*
hut the whole was to no purpofe* and neither author nor
% informer
informer made their' appearance j thé general clamour ch ap.
however ftilF cen’finüing^ thê governor and council Were , VI-
fèfced a-tKitd* tiinè fó-petitiefenfé-ïo remain ihSuriham-, ahd
tö ptbtêdf thë difijtdëfeéd ^ Tó fffis pétitibii wë ónce
riaöre* cöhdëïyènded ïb liRéhjj ; arid the: Ihips'wëiè actually
aitlikd tirhe: put o‘öt-ë;f éOrnmifliom '
Wé, fö the uhfpe&
kabÉ ïRfpiSë«©#;éVéry perfön: concerned: thé - only
part ónduty* hitbert'oy hoving eöhflffêd^oï' # Tubaltern’s
^hafEd at the1 héadKpaf iëfs, tó pfdfëtf: ih'è5 tfh&F,' -his colour^
his ftèfëdïothhsy pigs and poultry; ydiïefr guafd
i^u la rly möuntëd ëvef^'diy^ai half paft föirt o’clock,
and another on £boén ;d 'th e'tfafi^ ^j3firf^4hë,>prbVifö)fts'
had been flowed- on fhofé ah the •rhagaziriës-. • This,- a fë ^
Md-days * ëXéëptödp Whën: the -fóldïéfts ^Wéfè^dtiMed' fdf
pömpaiónë M ^butMwg' m i tffl tHëp fahitèd/èo'm pf-eKend-'
ëd the whole/of our tnilitafy niamBhvrësi But I pèreéiVe
the reader' is' already' imp'atiënt;;M' fdhie • ihfèfthaiion; re-
fpeéïfng ttoèfi? tWb-ék'trébfÉftiafy Mëfv’Mio;3frdtó thén*
inveteracy and ëppofitïtó*W êaèh M cïR hèf%ëlFgs#bih
other éaufësy wereIj the f adtïforê''ofthTMe' timfcëoUntablé
aM flutftüatïhgi^préëéëdihp^f and- ïhe'ëtMnë^b^tlfefi^
two Charaéïèrs ihÉy < TerhapS“ afllft rtnl uftfivêHiifg 'tlid
myftery. 1
■ As'-the ingredients ëf flattfefy ër jfeaf mdkèhut a finall'
part- of that 'ntams- compofitibtf''wHo1 pfêfumë^ to' give
thëmy ahd'Whöpfëfehds- peffëéllyfo5 h # e '!kho#n'b©thy
Q % * the