E XP ED I T 10 N T O S U R I N A M.
blue, as can only bp compared to the azure Iky in a CHAP,
bright dayglo whiebl not the pureft ultramarine cbl'dujed 31: ^
fattin can, approach : t^ie under J^deis of a lovely browpf
variegated with fpots.,, I cannot help repeating, that its
ikimming and fhoyer/ngrwith fuch a magnitude, and
fboh a hue, among the different fhades of green, had the
moft enchanting ,eff^£f,. Of the antennae, head? . thorax,,
and abdomen, -I Jhall only;/ay*(,tlMt they .were dark coloured.
This.fly, * if .1- miftake not,, is, .gqcording^to-. t the • ]
- diviiionipf Linh^qs^’ of the Dariai fpefies. , I nf ^ r. faw^
the chryfalit|’'b r .aurelia; but the caterpillar, which ik of
a ^yelJpwilh,grgy^eplour,, is „*as. .rthick ,asA a large man’s
finger, and* ^hpuh fpur inches long.^Thfe anpexed- draw--
proved frptmhhe^bf Mifs Merian. Various
.and fnnuna'erable indeedr sire th^butterflies,.with which
thefforefei.tPjf. Guiana abound,;,. fome^people, in fa£t, who
make^ fly-natching,; theip huii^fs,^get“,rhuch ^|)n'%.i by
itand.i|iaving,arranged them-in pap^r^hp^es, with pins-
ffnek through them, fend* them off to the different cabinets
of Europe. Doctor Bancroft mentions, touching
t-hem with fpiiits; of turpentine as neceffary to preferve.
them, but fixing a piece of camphor in the box with tne*
flies is quite fufficient.. •
This eyening we encapiped near .the Pat,amaca Creek, '
where the poor,negro woman cried bitterly,fand feat—
tered fome vidtuals and water at the root of a tree’by2way
of libation* as .being the fpot where her hufband was -