CHAt V im * divine wefrfhip^s ^ f o tm e d feoth
i XII‘ _, Dow Dutch, has a
v^iich there is- a Lutheran chaipgl,- and : t^ o elegant
Jewifh fyhagjighesf -one (formany’.the-, bther Portu-^
guefe* -Hlhefsalfo a Jifg6 hoi|»ital for the gaftifoig ahd
- this, manfion is'never empty, ‘The mfotary ffoiesare
kept in- thu fo ffrelSy ^efo itfe ^dcie^y^oldi^^^e alfo
lodged in Barracks, with proper apartments ffofome officers.
The town o f Paramaribo has; a'hobleroad forfoip-
ping, the river befofo th e town" befog aBo^/a. mile in
breadth, and contaihfog;fomMihes0k^6ve tine hundred
veflels of burthen, 5ihcferedf: within pitted; foot o f tiie
ihore; there arc indeed feldom fewer there than fouffcore
ihips loading coffee, fugary cacaoyCotto A, and lnthgcg for
Holland, including alfo tire^uinei^fhesi that B ff|g flavei
from Africa, aUtLthe Nofth Afoefie^nghd^ee^ard Mand
vefleis, which bring flour, beef, porky fpirits, herring?,
and mackarel falted, fpermacetx-candies, horfes, and lumber,
for Which they receive chiefly melaffes to be d istilled
into rum. This rowA Is not fortified, but is bounded
by the riVer on the SvE.; by a large favahnah on the
W .; by an impenetrable wood on the N. E .; and is protected
by Fort Zelandia on the eaft. This citadel is only
feparated from the town by a large efplanade, where the
troops parade occafiohally. The fort is a regular pen-
; tagon, with one gate fronting Paramaribo, and two baf-
tions which command the river; it is very fmall but
ftrong, being made of rock or hewn flone, furrounded
A-Wort Zetandia,. B. G-ovemourj- M ouxe. .
^.M ilztm y Hospitals. D. Co u rt H o u s e . -E .G a fo ira st Church,.
^.LiMtheraTb ditto.' G-. Portuguese Synagogue. '
-HGemian ""
Coffee -house.
K CoLFTiayeouds HcddQuarters:
ILilGardens See.
HLFrofected Streets $ce. .