P. take the liberty of.contradi£ting, having experienced the
contrary effect; it is alfo alledged, that they have been
found in Surinam above twenty feet,-long, hut one; of
that length never yet came within the fcope^f my!ob-
fervation; riof h av e l ever heard h f any Aperf©n -being
killed hy thSnj-according to the account which % given,
by the fame author, Alexander‘Gar&on, M.D. F. R.fS.
in a letter to John Ellis, Efq. dated CharleftOWhy South
Carolina, Auguft 14th, 1774.
It is a painful circumftance, that the narratFVe of my
travels muft fo frequently prove the record • of. cruelty
and barbariiyh but once for all h thrift deelhrey that I
hate thefe fadts merely in the -hope that itsmay, in fume
mode or other, operate fortheir future prevention. Before
my departure, I Was informed of a molt Shocking inftance
of depravity, Which had juft-occurred, _A Je'#efs, dm-
pelled by a grbundISfs Jdalb€fyF{fdr fuch h^jftkufband
made it appeir) 'put an end to the life Of ik. young
and beautiful -Quadroon girl, by the'.infernal meansA of
plud^t)g%ito her body a red-hot poker. ButWfaat is*
mdft incredible, dandywhat
lieved in a' civilized country, is, that for this moffc ^dia-
bolical crihie the mnrderefs' was "Only hanilhed "to th e
Jew-Savanftah, *a village ivhich I fhhll afterwards de-
fcribe, arid hd^efened in a trifling flue to the frfcal or
town-deirk of the cdldriy. | •
Another young negro woman, having her ancles chained
fo clofe together that ihe could fcarcely move her
feet, was knocked down with, a cane* by a Jew, and beaten chap .
till the blood dreamed out of her“ head,'her arms, and VI.
hgri naked'fidesjy So accuftomedy indefd^are the people
of this country, to tyranny and'linfolence, that a third
IfraeJitë had the impudbnïfotto'feike orie hf my foldiers,
fl?r having made watef agamft tó syg^ rii^ fpqe. On
this mifcrtant I took reyenge f^»|he whole fraternity* by
wreftin ^t^p i^ei|d iq g ^ ë^ómp u to f ,^kjhand> which Ï
inftantly broke infra a thoufand pfee^QU his: guilty naked
_ I neyertshyi!%,was; j u ^ enough M flog another man
# out oftfcet regiment* for j picking a Jew% pocket è and»
' to theiryejedif he,, it mentioned^ frhlW fo'jhalQus are the
Ehitch f^ldier^ of what tfejqfjcajf, appoint qf honour,
that were-ia thipf tft be -known,. -and fff ept ,in1 the ranks,
- tfle/whole rfgisnq^t wquld %£<fcwm their arms,.. This
etiquette, is of great ufrilfty, and would, be np bad practice
to be introduced intq fbme other armies^ where a thipf
i«?tpo 0ft en, aepemnfred|as .good as-another, i f heis.fofbr^
tun ate as $o be i|X feet, high.
About this time Colönel Fomgeoud iftued the following
orders, vt%. that in cafe it eyer happened that two officers^
or under-oflicers* of equal rank, the one öf the European '
the other of the Society .corps, fhould meet on any military
duty, the firft fhould always take the .command, in?
dependent pf feniority, pnlefs the latter 'bore a higher