fwanap; and catting off thee.ars, nofe, and Iips.of one; of
them, he left hhP. alive. in this to
ffieqd§,;jwifh; wbom ho^ever. tlie- •.maqffoppi
expired. r .
This Barop had, formerly heeq.thet.negrp flav§ of a-ftfij,,
Dahlbergh, a Swede, who on account of his abilities, had
to, readiandjwrite, andhr^d him : a . mafofi^ ; he had ^ 3 ^
been withhis matter in Holland, and wasi preoaifed his :
manumilhf q'pft But Mr* Dahlbergh
breaking his; word w ith regard to» his liberty.,;,an di
fehiagb|mto a Jew, Bapon .qbftinately iiefqj^'tQjWork,:
in confequence of which he was, publicly ,#<^g§d rtHieiFo
the gaHo^i^i Thi?; u(agC
that from that moment he. vowed re,y^pge: agamR alL
Europeans without exception.
putting himfelf at the head of the. reb,el% hh; name b,e-j
came dreadful, and particularly % .to :h |s formprymaRey,
Dahlbergh, as he foletqnly fwore.that he^fhp^ld never
die in peace till he had wafhed, ht^;hands in the tyrant's}
To tho% who know how; greatly. mankind arf; affefted
by folf-intfteh, it will not appear fo estraQrdihary,i a§i it
may to a ^perficial obferver, that thefe. black ranger^
fliould fo inveterately engage againft their friends and
countrymen^ What will not men .do: to be emancipated
from fo deplorable a hate of fubjeftion t and this emanci-.
pation was obtained upon more certain and advantageous'
2 grounds
groundslb y ’the oopfehtfb f , the Europeans, than if they
had abfodnded Woq^sV* Having thus once engaged
in th i s .^ ^ i c ^ ’it is:> evident'* th-ey 'muft be 'con-
fidere'd by the other party as apoftates and traitors of the
blacked dyhV they muft beJ convinced’, ‘ that defeat mum
ndt>'on-ly'expdfe them'td 'death,'but to the Tdveref! tortures
; they were therefore fighting9for fobhething' niche
than liberty anddifd: I fueeefs> was jto> bring them the'moft
folid advantages,^imfcdrriag^^w^s tb plunge them in the
fevefeft' ra£fery/>'v
- The talking* of BoueOn Was now greatly fpokeri of, and
deemed \a very fevere blow to the1 rebels-; hbth fhe regulars
arid the irangefsjiMdeed^ behaved with ulipfeeedehtfed
intrepidity ahd courage. ' Captain Myland’sf5 gallant eoh-q
duft was moft highly acknowledged!'r while Lieutenant
Fjreidrecy wasiprefdntiedby the Surinam(Society'with a
beautiful fabre,:a fufee, and abrade of piftol’s, Mouhted
in filver, and ornamented with- emblems expfeiIVte <3f lxi^;
merit; befides which, he obtained the rank of'captain.
It -muff be corifefled, that on this oceafion the’ whole detachment,
white and black, without exception,* rjuftly
met with, the fulleft* marks of- approbation fof.'their
fpirited behaviour.—In this Rate were, -the"' public affairs
of Surinam; when, in 1773, our -fleet dropped anchor
before,the town of Paramaribo.