CHAP, them with hats, Rocking?, ftioes, 8tc.; hut he replied,
XI. th 3t Hannibal had loft his army at Capua by - too much
u ~ v ' indulgence, In.fhort, he quoted not only Hannibal but
Horace for his example, according to the advice given m
a certain pamphlet, |
Ibit eo.quhvis qui Zonam perdidlt }> ■
and appeared fully convinced, that noperfons .wifi behave
,fd defperately in a£Uon .as thofe who are tired of their
■ - l i v e s . , - ? . J
On the n th , the other party which had left Wanaflie
day beforp,ourfelves,. arrived, havipg,.according .to ,cuf-
tom, neither, tafan nor feen any thing., . jjj m |
On the 12th, one of the rebels with his wi%cajae(tp
La Rochelle, and furrendered themfelve? voluntarily to
the-commander in.cluef. This day Fourgeoud a c q u itted
me now himf^f, th a t f was at liberty t o ^ andtrefit X.
Paramaribo when I thought proper. This propofal 1
gladly: accepted, and that moment prepared for^
parture, with fome other officers, kaying behind us him-
fclf and a band of fuch-fare-crows as would have dii-
graced the , garden or geld of any farmer in England.
Among thefe was a Society captain, named Lart lier, who
declared to nje he never combed, waihed, fliaved, or
. fhifted, or even put off hi&boots, till all was rotted from
his body. At laft arrived the happy hour, when, taking
leave of my tattered companions, I and five more, with a
boat ‘and fix oars, rowed ftrait down for Paramaribo, CHAP.
ftill in tgood health’ and1 in/.a( flow ef-fpirits, and at the XI«i ,
veVy futamit’of contentment.- tf
At Devife^Harwar'Pmet a’<cargo, of tea, coffee, bifeuit*
biidter^ -Tugar, lemhhis, rum, and twenty-bottles of claret*
fenf me>by my friends, 'directed to,La Rochelle, which I
aggin^notwitbftahding \h e barbarous u&ge that I had fo
lately met with, gave all in a prefent to poor Fourgeoud,
twelve fbottles of wine excepted, which we drank in the
barge to the healths of,our wives and miftreftes ;\!rior
could I help pitying Colonel Fourgeoud, whole age (he
being About fixty) and indefatigable exertions claimed the
attention df -the, rnoft indifferent: for during -this trip,
though, but, few rebels were taken, h e llw certainly fcour-.
ed thefforeft from the, river Comewina to the mouth of
the Wana Creek, difperfed the enemy, and demolifhed
their habitations-, fields, and gardens, and thus cut, them
off from all profpedt of Tupport.
On the evening of the 13 th, we fuppedat the eft ate
Mondefife, and thence kept rowing down all night and
day, fhouting and finging till the 15th at noon, when, the
tide flrving, we went on - fhore at the fortrefs Amfter-
damwhence crofting the river, we arrived'befdr e Mr.
De Lamar’s door at Paramaribo. I ftept alhore among
a croud of friends, who all flocked round to fee and to
welcome me to town.
I next fent for my ineftimable Joanna, who burft.
O o 2 ; into