the elates in .making* that’at: Paramaribo,
ap infurre&iQn was difcovered among th£ negroes,
who had determined to join the rebels,r after firft having
maffacred all the inhabitant^, that, bo w©pr,,. they were
detected, and the ringleaders executed.
On the morning of the 6th, we again heard feveral
mufquetrfhot in the?woodsj.,which apprehending, to . be
dh»ie:.B-urope$ui- gai)^4fc#, their way/ I made my
Jentinel anfwer tkedignalsaf diftrefs, by firing hi® .piece ,
1 which I added
two drams, that kept beatingJor Ifyeral hours without
antermiffiop* when th e sppoi$#f
;ally approached nearer’ and nearer: and now at length
appeared a Society ferjpant and ft^priyatee that bel^lged
to Reedwyk in Piricaj and; had loft dn the doreft. for
tthree days, neatly itarved, [without hammocks/ meat/ -©ir
drink, excepting water. ' Having refreshed them in the
heft manner I was able? they all 'recoveredr to my very
great fatis faction, though one of them remained perfedtly
blind for feveral hours, with the ftmgdf a- kind of wafps,
?which are known in this country by :£he name ©f ma-
mbonfo ; of which the only thing that I eati fay is, that
-they are extremely largo, dive in hollow .trees, are the
ftropgeft of the bee;kind, and fting-fo violentlyjrthat the
jpaitfis excruciating, and always occafions a fever.'
Having, on the iath, fwam twice acrofe the river Got-
tiea, which is above half a mile broad, I came home in a
dhiver, and next day had an intermitting fever;: by abftaining,
ftaining, however, from animal food, andufing plenty c h a p .
of . acid with my drink, I had no doubt of getting well . XIV‘ ,
in a few days’ j the. more fo, as tamarinds grew here in
profusion. u t
Indeed,., on f«the:î6th, I was almoft peffeftlyr!recoveredy.
fweaknefft excepted). when- about ten in the morning, as
I was fitting with Joanna before my cottage, I had an un- -
expected vifit from a Mr.1 Steger, who happened to be
one of our fùrgeons. ' Aftet having- felt my pulfe, and ex--
arnined my tongue, he declared without ceremony that
I fhould be dead before the morrow, unlefs without fu r-
therïdelay I mademfe of his prefçription. I acknowledge;
the fentence ftaggered me ip march that, {thorrgh at other:
times I never ufed medicines at all*, I inftantly fwallowed
the dofe, which he had prepared for me in a tumbler,
without hefitation, but almoft,' as inftantly I dropped^
down on the ground.
In this manner I lay till the 20th, being four days before
I came to nry fenfes,. when I> found myfelf ftretched on
a mattrafs -in my littTe houfe. With, poor Joanna fitting by
me alone, and bathed in tears, wbh begged" of me at
that time to afk no queftions* fo r. feat? of hurting my
fpirits, but Who next day related to me the-difmal tranft -
adtion, v iz, that the moment I. fell, ‘four ftrpng negroes
had taken me,up, and by her direction placed me where
I now was ;. th a t. the furgeon having put blifters on feveral
parts of my bqdy, had finally declared that I was
dead) and had fuddenly left the plantation^ when a grave