The buildings oh Devil’s Harwar are all made o f th e ptna Chap.
ormanicole-tree; which tree, and the manner- of ufing it
&r hotffes, -:&g^ I lhall afterwards' attempt to dricnbe: but
now ffluft' content myfelf withonly1 fayitig,: that on this
poft thé buildÉigS-‘ eonfift of a dwelling-houfe for the
commandir%4>ffieef] - with four very1 good .rooms; another
fbr thé 'ftibaltérnS-; 1 a? gébd lodge f o r ’tile private
foldier& ^an^^Vhdfpitaf fbrdheffiek1, whSchf&laige and
roomy I but'tMs ië'no more than is necelTary, as it never
irwithout M m l r ThereIfs'alfó‘a pBwd'er and vic-
tufahïöè rnagazinëiïpréptef Mtchéh^-a bétóe-lfóüfèj'fec. bendes
a well' with frefti water; The Society troops feed a
flhéÉ 6ffffiee$ pigs* and poultry at this pMe, fof the ule
only of the1 hofpital: here wW alfó a tth ik time a cow,
Which had beêh allotted fof the rangers after Boefccow was
taken,- but thé feaft had hot béeffkfept at this' place. She
had now a calf, and -afforded milk for the officers‘to their
tea, See. but for us poor fellbws‘in;the barges there was-
nothing at aH of the kind. I may add, that forne of the
officers hadWo little gardens here; which afforded them
fallad, &-c.
healthyV 'in my opihibny' ïs tiië myriad s; of mëfquitoëk'
that prevent the people from reft, and the multitudes of
cbigóer m fand-flfeas which abourid in that ftation.
On the féventh,- I arrived again at Cormöetibo Creek,
whère I ‘ refolved ‘ to' brake a landing on the fouth Ihore
at all hazards, förmy- owh:foldiers to cook their beef
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