N A R RA T |-ÿ 1 O w - AN
C H A P. IV.
Short interval 'of Peace and Plenty^We Coïony plugged in
" -new tijfirejs by afrejh InfurreBion, andfnearly rutned—
'kèview ó f'the ffqofs for its Defence—An^ A ^ n 'ffth
~fhe Rebels—Gallant Behaviour o f a bjafk Cqrps—%\e.
Arrival %f- Colonel Fourgeoufs Marines'f—
I N 1764, goldand filver Ipecie beingfdarc'e, cards,were
ftamped, to the amount! of 40,0001. vahiè1, which,
paffed as caih, at a difcoufïTof fieri p eF ieM '^
’ In 1765V a confiderable degree of ';commot'ioii was excited
in the colony, onaccount of'afireé rifgro wotaa&a,
called Elizabeth Sanipfénf ïharFyïr^g fun {European ; fhe
was worth above 100,000i. fterhhgpinherited■ frdm hereinafter,
whofe have Ihe had" foptncriy "beëfi^^iiavin^
addrëflêd. herfelf. to
q u e f t ’é a sigiiöted; and "accordingly, being' chriflened,
fhe entered into thé lawful bond of matrimony with a
Mr. 2attM*
In the fucceeding year the colony v^as^fitèd by an
earthquake, which however did very1 little damage. $f
In 1769, the whole cöaft was on-fire, {xbmJCafenrle "to
Demefary: this happened" in the dry feafon, when all
the foreft is parched by the heat, and; the underwood
choked with dried leaves. The flames, which were fup-
pofërf'to h a ^ lje e h kindled" by the hfeglëót of thé Indians
or rebels, were fo violent, that they- threatened
defiraëtion. .tqjfeyeral -eftates, aftd 'during the'night appeared
moft tremeridqus fror&r^hei fiea ; while the eafl
wind tnade the, fmuke fio-thick throughout the day, that
one perfoq pould -not fee.^nother^ at the diftance of fix
jDuripg thj$.;timfe -tit is<hot; furprififlg that the
fin ell wap3£lpi0ft,infappor£abl% \
This famre .year, a tqufhtaty^of rock çryftal was difco-.
vered In the inland' partafibffiOutch Guiana» -
ri; Ip;-. 1770, the hcrafe jof.Soinelfdy K fold its fhare or por-
t|on of the colony to 1 the'town of Amsfierdam fer the
&m .»of 634,636!. fterftng!; fib'.thatiifrom that- period that
city pofifefies two-thirds, :a=nd ithe^othér third ftill belong«
to the Weft India 5 Corhpany, which, as I have already
ftated, farfâ t©§eeber the ïociety «of Surinam.f
The colony nowfieéthëd -in fàt^prblpérous and flourifh-
ing'ftate, fince theéondndîiig^f thefreafy^ith thè-Sé^
r^thi®a-^h-â>C)uétt' itégyëesy and eVery thihg exhibited ;an
a'fpeéfof peace and>g©dd order. -’Thfe'fehabitahts believed
their perlons -aind effe&s in perfe<Sfc fécutïtyy fô that nothing
was thought of but--mirth* and diffipàttdfi,' which
was fiooh extended to làvifiïHefs ;rand proftifibn. Surinam
refémbkd, ifideed,'-k< large oeà^ofèâuftfül garden,
flocked with everything thafl nature and art could
produce* to.: make- th e life ’Of than both comfortable to
hinafelf, and T s p ë f u É the lu x ù ti^ a s Well
as' the neoel^ies sof dife,: àîbound^l ; ev^i^ fchfè^’às apë
parentdy intoxicated with'enjoyment 3 ' and, to ufe the
L a figurative
C H A P.