CHAP, leave, while the beautiful Mts» Dutry, his daughter, ihed
vil. '
l — f tears at our departure.-r-This evading wjj anchored before
the Matapaca Creek,
I here created my two bargfeè mén of war, and named
them tlie Cbaron and-the Cerberus^ by. whfeihnam®s||3diali
diftinguifh them during the reft of the voyage; though
the Sudden Death arid WWfuf Murdep 'mstQ .much .more
applicable, as will be feeti. We now continued rowing, up
the river Cottica, having paffed, fincé/wé énjteyed.-ïliq,
Comewina, fome moft enchantingly beautiful, eftates:, of
coffee and fugar, which line the banks of both thefe rivers,
at the diftance of one n r t wo miles.from each other.
‘ My crew having walked and d'reft their, dinner afhore
on the plantation rAvanture, we auchoted, .c^it^eigy^n^
ing Of the 5th, be fore Rio Pirica. Ip
On the following day we rowed ftill further up thé
river Cottica, and went on fhore on the eftate. iUia. At
ah the above plantations we were • moft hpfpit%bly,re^
ceived, but we met with fewer plantations as the rive^
grew narrower.
On the 7th we continued our Conrfe, and. haying
walked afhore on the eftate Bockkeftyne, being the laff
plantation up the river Cottica on the right, except one
or two fmall eftates in Patamaca, at night we caff anchor
at the mouth of Coopman’s Creek. This day the Charon
was on fire, but happily it was fbon extinguilhed.
On the 8th, we again kept rowing, upwards, and at
eleven o’clock A. M, caft anchor off the fort Slans Wel-
p veren,
¥erën,'whfch' was guarded by the troops of the Society. CHAP.
Here rl fteppedondhore, with my officers, to wait on V1L .
Captain Ofzinga, the commander, and delivered three
ifiiriy fickmen into:>^ hofpital;' where I beheld fuch a
fpèélacle of mifecyJ h d wrétchednéfs as baffles:all imagination
: thisy plate having been formerly called DevtTs
W m m ®n ^account ofi fits ^intolerable unhealthinefs—a
nanle'by which alone I fhall again diftinguifh it, as inuch,
more fuitable than that bf Slans Welveren, which fignifies
the welfare, of- the nation. '
^nbfejte: I faWartfew.-of the wounded wretches, who had
efcaped from the engagemënt .lnowhich Lieutenant Lep-
p'er^wi.thrfo) many'men, hadtbeen killed ;,'and one of them
told me fhje par tie,uTarsfof, his o*wn miraculous ^bjfcape>__
“ I was 'fhot,- Sir,” faid he, “ with a mufcjuet-bullef in
S p p brca:fl:;T.arid tO vefift’ or efcape bèmgpmpóffitle, as\
“ .the onlyrmcans left mé to faye toy life I threw' myfeif
“ idoi^n among the mortally wounded, and rth?©' dead£
“ without rmpying;^ in'the'evfemng
“ .ffie rebel chiefs furveying his eonqueft, ordered onehf
$ ff-bis captains to begin cut off thé .heads of
“ fiaiq,* in order to carry the'mhome to theirwillage,
f trophies of tfieir vidtory? this captain, having'al-
£f^ re^,dy chopped off that of Lieutenant Lepper,f and one
“ or-two more, faid to his friend^ Sonde go) Jleehy^ caba
‘‘ mekewe liby den taradogo^tay tymara \ The fun is juft
ff. going; to fleep,. we muft leave thole other'dogs .till to-
,:;; VOL? I. " T I « morrow.