C H Â P. fafe at the Hope. • But here my barge Jbphdullowed under
Xin. - a gHarct, and all my poor flaye? prifoners, with*an order
from Fdrai^éoud for me to:flog every onqi©f therp, as they
had been apprehended without a, pàil, whileitheir exçufe
whs that they hadbeen out a tithing for,their Majper a . '
TReir fidelity to me upon this occafion was truly afto-
nifhihg, as they all declared they would have preferred
being cut in pieces, rather than betray 'the Tecrets of -.fa
good: a matter. However, the dangér was-foon4 over, as^
1 confirmed what they had faid, and added, that the fifh
were ï^ b à& tto 'ftè f^/tb e ÿ b e rfrÿ after,’which I made k
donation of two gallons-df rmha among mÿf?iabte 'prif^-
counfeHofsr This paflàge, however trifling, may ferveas
a fample uot only of European weaknefs, but of: African
•firmnefs and refolution. ?
Not wltbftan ding my preparation, ftill Colonel- Fôur-
geoüd did not vifit the on th e 27 th* but- :the next
morning Joanna arrived,-, accompanied by a flout blacky
wba was her uncle, and whofe arm ;wasr decorated!with
a filver band, on which were engraved thefe words : “ True |
“ to the Europeans ? This man,, who Was named Cojo,.
having voluntarily fought againft the rebels, before hisl
companions, by the inhuman treatment of Mr. D. Bo.
and his overfeer, had been forced to join them. Fr'om
thefe he related to us the following' remarkable ftory,.,
having a little girl, called Tamera, by the hand:—“ ThiJ
“ child’s father,” faid he, “ is ohé whofe n am e « Jolly
| i lÜ ! P i Coeur* *
« Cceur,, the firft captain belonging to Baron’s men, and, c H A P.
« not without, eaufe, one of the fieijceft rebel? in the foreft, . XI11,
« which he hasjatelyihewn on the neighbouring eftate of
“ New Rofenback,.where ‘ your colonel how commands.
« On that eftate one, Schult^a Jew,, being the manager at
“ 'that; time, w?ha formerly was the manager of. Faucon*
'the- rebels|fi^dd'enly appeared,-and took poffef-
« fion of the whole,plantation| Haying tie;d;the:hahds h f
« Retraits*, and plundered the houfe,' they next .-began to
« flatting; and- dah©hg,before;tlxey: thought properto end
his,'mifer;ahlë exiftence.. In this deplorable.fituatibn now
« lay the .victim, only waiting Baron’s.:figrialfpr deaths
« whenhise^es^ehancingloicàtch'thea-bove'captaih’s,Jolly
Coeur, he addreRedhim nearly in the’following words:
« _ ‘ o Jolbf Coeur, now remember M^-Schults, who was,
« once ÿdur 'deputÿ-mafter ; remember the dainties'I-gave
“ you from pay own table, when yoüwere only a child, and
« my favourite, my darling, amongrfo many others ; re*
« member this, and now fpare my life by younpbwerfut
« interceflion.’—The reply of Jolly Coeur was merttorable::
“ —I remember it perfectly well : But yt?u, ©'tyrant, re~
« collect .how you ravifhed my poor mother, and flogged
« my father fof’bèmiîi^? to her aififtaqbe. Récblleét, that
« thb.fhameful àét was perpetrated in my-infant prefence
“ —Recoiled this—then die by my hands, and. next be
« damn’d.’—Saying this, he fevered his head from his body
« with a.hatc'het. at one blow ; with which having played.
* « at: