X j&jpfe ialiieid xfhâsi fettlemehtftfongj ^bebaUfe, like' an
-M&nd,* it Was „entirely ftwrauhded by sa broad-Un fordable
marfh ciwamp^ whicbspreVeiited .all communication,
îeixcept b y pExvate^p^tih-saHideriW^fcer, knowrt.ooly to the
®ébeis^an^bfefi®fe #pifeh JBafeomhadplItoêdi'load^d: fWiVels,
Which, he had'pl'uàderbd from the neighbouring eftates,-:
it' wast fmprepver fenced?[arïddrfddïedoctal .eyfery ;fld.e by
wral thduTandfft^6nigr^ l |f i j i 03e^fand was ioni tteAyhoIe
the narde bf Bou‘i@0‘br Tkfo^Sw^Wf'^sfi&atihg thatiii
fliowld perifhwin; duft rather than > it ihoulckaher taken' by
bcifufci^oetffeEëddé fhe<Ehrppeans4t JXe^etrenliprdiiirhed. : to
, fupfbfbythat if ,
lo After* manyemardïiéS! '
thi'S’ neft’of defpetadoes w&s’afdafï dilccweredy by the adhr
giila.nrpi arid p^ffeirerahfdsèfi the*®Kfieff:3 tmops^and the
Macks fMdibrs^bfcfangeira,' by: which? name - I fhall for the
future diftinguifh them* theif-feryice beihg? :chie#y like
that of : the -r anger LI ino^ifgiaaa, who were, fent out
againft the Gherôkbdïndian*.:bÂnather:fêttlemetttof:the
S®beïë was* drfdeedÿ citefisknow® tà ®xjft ipsiffiïfat aobrn©f>of
the colony, known by the name of the liearfhoffe^ and
litwated between the - rivers Surinam and Seramica^ ; but
herb thd ftuattibUjby marlhesy qüagrhirèsj mudj andwater,,
is fuch, that it fortifiés them, fromany attbtripts of the
Europeans’; nay^uthey are *eden indifcoverabîe by negroes^
fo5 thick and impenetrable us-the foreft op.'- that
fpbtj ; and fo choked • • thorns, briki^jindr every
Qiecies of underwood.-
' Vol. I. M From