c h ap, inftantly leapt overboard into the ftream, where floated
xiii. her1 beloved offspring? in conjpa&ioir with which fhe: was!
determined«to floilh iteeitiifflierable .exifteitee.-|
how^fet^lhe was prevented i the esfefllofasoo# the'
negme^ Who rowed the boat* tand 'was -pdhifhed byT-her
miftri^’ with three or four hundred lalhes/fori Her daring-
Colorfel: Fourgeoud moved on the’ 20th, .with- aik hisf
troops^ from MagdenbergJ in ordert@;eftaMhh!his<hea<i4
quarters nearer the-infirmary. His army, beingiin a very,
fickly condition» he fixed upon:ilre'IieflateitcaUdddNesfl
Rofenback, fituatedi betweent ithe Hope and: the hofpit-al,
for his encampment. -Thither I immediately repaired,- to>.
pay my r e f p e < f t s to th e chief,? when I &WtheJremainder,
of his miferable.-army landed,-and;ireceived:;.ae£arther
detail o f the campaigns I; havqc alr^dly-mentioned*
Captain Fredericy’s being wounded ; one’fman doft .»by
negle&, and another ci|t .aad>!difeh6»d'; ;th e -c a p tiv e
running away,, chains and all ;-the hero feoffedi at^ and
ridiculed by his fable enemies::^-I fhallrnowidd, that a.
flck marine was left to die or recover 'b y himfelf ;: arid;
that one of the Haves, by bad ttfagO, had his ^rm broke..
The captive negro woman was alio gone, never more to.
return to her conqueror, confiderably inereafed -im fize-
from her connection with the troops, and likely to '!pre~
fent a new recruit to her dufky monarch. Thefe were
the particulars of the laft campaign. But I muft mention
thei humanity of a poor j Have, i who, at every hazard,
deferted Fourgeoud ;to -attend ,the dying1 marine; and
having performed the laft fad office p£, friendfhip, returned
to receive his,-punifhment, ( but .to„ his infinite
furprize was pardoned.
In juftice to.'Coionel.SourgeQud I muft fay, thatupon
fuch expeditions, ‘and iri.fueh' a:dimate, many {of, thefe
Occidents cannot >ifie prevented'; and. that-while he killèd
his troops by feóres* 1 without making!Captures on the
enemy, he nevertheleft did the-dblonyi^confiderahle -fef-
viee* by diftnrhingy'j.hunting^iand harafiing.the rebels,
and deftroying their fields^ and. provisions,-'uFor,. it is
certain,: no. negrb: dill ever : return to : fettle in thofe
haunts from which he has."been once expelled. . .Colonel
Fowrgeoud’s partaking perfbnally in -every .danger arid
fatigue at his age,’ muft- make’fome amends for the other
faults that ftained his character, and may even ffirve, in.
fiomemeafarepto eftablifh his reputation as atriamof par-
tieme and fortitude. It would: give me infinitelymore
pleafure to write nothing but in his praife; but truth,
and the general benefit of mankind, requires, that whilil;
I difplayhis good qualities Falfö point out’his failings,
a«;they may ferve to corrêéfi others, and b y thefe means
even his 'vices may be rendered ufeftil. What - could« ibe
niore ridicUloris, than piayirig his troops-With filter at
Paramaribo* where paper Was juft as good ? and now,
•while in the rivefs, giving them cards, for Which they
j j U u 2.'■ I i .' |j 1 could