CHAP , roafted beef is oftên fent from Europe to Guiana as a
• VI* , moft valuable and delicate- prefent. The manner of pre-
ferving the meat for this long voyage,' when roa-fted,. is.
by putting it in a block-tin box or eaünifter; then filling
up the empty fpace with gravy or dripping fill it is
perfectly cohered over; after which ’the box muft be
made fait and foldered round about, fo that neither air
nor water can penetrate: by this means I was told it may
be with fafety carried round the globe»
The fhëep in this country are fo fmall that, when
fkinned, they feem not larger than young lambs in
Whitëchapel market; thqyjiave no horn's nor wool, but
ffeait hair, and are to an European but very indifferent
eating: the more fo, fince all beef, mutton, $£jc. muft
be eohfumed the feme day. that it is killed, which caufes
k to eat tough, while keeping it longer expofes. it to*
putrefaftietti. Neither o f thefe animals ate natural to
Guiana: the breed has been imported from the Old
Continent, So alfo was tire breed of the hOg, :but with
far better fuccefs ; for thefe animals, in my opinion',
thrive better in South America than in Europe. The
hogs here are large, fat, good, and plentiful; -as inEng-r
land, they feed on almoft every thing that isu. eatable,
and on v the eftates are often fattened with green pineapples,
a fruit which grows fpontaneoufly in this climate,
and of which they are exceedingly fond. As for the
poultry, nothing can thrive better; the common fowls
are here as good and as plenty as in any country, but
" fmaller,
Cfoaller, and their eggs differ in fhape, being more fharp- chap .
pointed. A fmaller fpecies of the dunghill kind, with VL
rumpled inverted feathers, feems natural to Guiana, being
reared in the inland parts of the country by the
Indians or natives. The turkeys are very fine, and fo are
the g.èèfe, but the ducks are excellent, being of the large
Mufeovy fpecies, with .crimfon pearls, betwixt the beak
and the head: thefe are herV,juicy, fat, and in great
plenty. :
i.xlAfter the various delays we had experienced, the
reader will .be furprized to learn that the hour of aftion
^atdaft arrived, and all the officers and men were ordered
to: be ready at a minute’s warning to cfetout on actual
fervice,: though our little corps was. already melted down,
from five hundred and thirty able men. to abopt three-
fourths- of fehati number, by death and.ficknefs,>the'hof-
pital being crouded by invalids iof every kind. The lofs
of jfo large -a proportion of men was fopplied in a manner
that wiU:appeaEjextracürdiriary to a European.
There were: two negroes, one called Okera, the other
frQwfaryy twodefperadoes, who had both .been rebel captains
in the colony of Berbice,. :and;whoy for taking Alia
their chief, and delivering him to the governor of that
feulement, had received their pardon. By thefe’ two
men the molt inhuman murders had beemcommitted on
the Europeans in the year 1762, when-the revolt was in
the above colony. Thefe. were now - admitted as. private
R 2 foldiers