N A p | -R It A T I V E O F A N
C h A ip , the■ ;-r-5i-vV-e .r. .S er- a|m ica, a■■n■ •d ,‘as:, the only pafiable road in the
, ,, colony. During thi& ljttle ride, which ,.(onr §.Gcpunt,.o.f
1 the dry feafon being, commenced}.!^*took...at. fix, q’cjoqlp
in. the?, mornings we obferypdr a .great' number of thpfe
large, .,an.d el.egaut;,birds, known bx thfi: name of rma<tav9h
,buh in Surin^am^caUed .rayens,, from their proportion to
thg parrots, which-.may-. be Igok,q(f f,^Pon -.as.' a* kipd of
tropical craw&bl-
T^macawSf arje dividednntp different foede^of which
I fhall only describe two, ^hhmg. Jtp ia^nothipg^for
which I have not competent apthqrky, a a jjam forry
to obferyg, tjpo many, authors^hayp „dpne, amqng^wliqrn
.aj;e, menjof-genius ,-and learpij^, nfopne. in ^ q d nlSf haye
1 erred from ignprapce/br wrpngjinfpumatrQm, biiphurp-
bers for the gratification ofhyapity hayq, I deaf,lbeea
guilty of imppfirjg on the too rcr§<iulous publip., (T"
The blue and yellow- macaw is. as^large- a barndoor
fowl, with fhort-Tegs and .a-crooked bih^ like^thait qf{the
common parrot; the former dark coronredy;?with /opr
- black claws,. two before and two' behind; the,lat|er,alfe
black, the upper mandible .alone, mpyq^ble^ Its, tail is
like a wedge^ and confifts of fa, few yery lopg &nd ftyait
Feathers. The back of this bird, from^ the head, (the
top of which is a fea-green) to the extremity pf the ta.il,;:
• isi a' moft beautiful- azure blue, and, underneath, its whole
body is of a pale orange colour.; round its eyes it is perfectly^
white, interfperfed with black ring^f compofed of
very, fmall feathers.
The other i;$ called in Surinam the Amazon macam.