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E X P E D I T I O N T O 'M'D- R I N A M» 34r
Thus r^daify found Fomb• hëw-'obje'Ct' tefdefcribe, and CHAP,
fpeht the mbit agree ablfe- hour's,- conftantly accompanied , XIV*
hy my ybung mulatto-, upo'ii ’this Elyfen plantation—but
alas*'! alb at oriete’, in th e midflyof m y hbpe^, 'my truly
halc^bn days' §vere Waited, -and I Wasalrhóft plunged into
defpair, by redéiving the fa^al-news of the death of Mr.
PafTa-lage at Amfférdarn, tó’whom I had writtèn- tbobtain
my mulatto’s' manumiffion; and' what muflcërtaihlyre-
dou'blê my diftrefsj^was the fituatibn in which fhe- proved
to be, promifrn^fair to bê§ömé^a ‘moriiér A4he fpacè of
. a- few months^'' %was howt-haÉ i faw '<k thdhföédhbrfors
intrude all at oncè upiön my djéjedïed’ fpirits'; iibt only my
friend butymy ofl&pringf to'h l <a dive', *an<ba ‘fl^ve under
fuchagovernment !-M n Paffala^on whom I relied,dead
—the -whole eiiate 1 gb¥h^- t-O fee fold < to a rxew(mafter—I
"conM hot bear if, ’and Was* totally'diff-afetèdV nay,'imift have
dièd;o f ‘gfief,‘ had not the mfidnéfs óf .hor^emper Ydp-
pórted- me, by fuggefting the''flattering hopë's- that Dol-
Rens Would’Hill be ‘our friend/gM thé^miélbbf tbéfg*
■ reflections, on the'etebingi of the 4Ó1,, we’'heard thfe
report of feveral alarm-guns-'towards the- North' Edit, on
which, by day-break next morning;! I'fdnbaflfefaehment
to Rid-Pirica, Which returned' about noon wiihr-the -ae-
‘Cbuht of the rebels attacking the eftkte Mcrfeille,,jn the
river Göttka j butifhat they had been béatenkb a ^ % the
plantation flaves^ as they had BeforebyIthtxfe ,of -iKorten-
duur. The-othér news was, (-that they 'had ilt heated a
party af'poóir.Indiaiöfs^fa^i^Bg therb-tö hayef&ffifted
4 th e