5 I
liage, which- frequently prevents them from being dBfcob'
vered by the natives and negroes, whor devour their flefh
With avidity.;
' Now came down from Patamaea,. on the 28th, Lieutenant
the-c^mander of the Gërbeïti|, in a MiM*
dng fever, and fcörehed by trhe fun in an open canoe1,
«drinking cold water from the river ï#his Only relief. Iri
this fituatioh, a Jew foldier, of thê Soèiéty poft La Mo-
cheMe, a6Goaq^kd-hh%wkh.t^-4eeé^ij^.tha#*thOi<t'ébëls
had actually paffed the creek tw o . days' before, onè
rade above the /^eftatey aS'badheéh firffreftorted, $Ép
marching from eaft to wefL—He at the faróé timè delivered
to me a negro womans with- a htel|rligrmfahtf who
had formerly -been fiolen by the rehefe,-and had how
found means to make hor efoape.- Frómhelèw I recei ved
alfo the news, that Major hadfent fo towiï’ffèm
the Jew* Savannah two dried hands%f thd edemy, killed
by the rangers; that an-officer- with' ten men; and fomfë
provifions were landed at Devil’s Harwar, there to be
tw^der my command; ami that one of my raaime’s-5 a t'
that place was dead. The fame difpatehes foroügbt ari
order for me to look out for a dry fpot, and? if póffiHè,1
to build a temporary ftorehowfe.
I immediately detached my lieutenant, Mr. Hamer*
to take the command of the Cerberus, and having
weighed anchor, rowed down- till -1 arrived before rite
Catepory Greek, where we paffe# fitehr a; night as no
pen can defcribe : —- The lick groaned, thé Jew prayed
aloud, the foldiers fwore, the negroes intreated,
E X P E D I T I O N T O S U R I N A M . 155
th e Worpen?fudg* the child fqueaked, the fire fmoked, chap.
, thifs|ftaip® poi#pddowiij and the: wholeiveflel flunk to fuch , VI1,
iid^grree^.;thatoI began: to think myfelfj hut little better
off , thf*n thes mi fortun ate- fferioffs who: were confined in
tbs black [hote^at;-,Cateutta,.i /Ate. fix o’clock« the next
morning, however,1 the/; joyful fuff .broke through the
$Quds,,'..;and I droppe^l down with the Gharon before Devil’s
j^rWas.. .
■ On the, 29th, I delivered my lick officer and five fick
men, >efides my otherpaffengers, for .whom I had done
all th,at^asj in my power, hut .that was very little; and
h^iflgpi^wed the p^|fly-j^riyed«.pfdviifipii in a: proper
-place, T once -more, returned to my 7 jdreadfuL Ration,
where I cameJoan anchor on the firft ofAttgv^ffc;..r:•
Thfffohowing;day, between the fhowers,:weifaw great
numberis< of monkies, qf which I fhot one, and having
h^d no jrefh meat for, a long time,:! ordered it to be
drefled,: and .eat iffw ith ag o o d . appetite. We were at
this time in a flioebing fituation,j not only Wanting re-
frefhment; but, the .men’s cloafhs and hammocks were
rotting from day to day, mot fbly #romrtheir being al-
nioft conllantly ,wet, but being .alfo compofed of the very
WQrfl materials,fept from Holland.m:
■ Pff the tjffrdji I .received the,account that, fLieutfen ant
Stromer was dead a t Devil’s,Harwar. { ~
- On the fourth,. -we, dropped down before the place, to
bpry him, di^$ly,:jia tbe hppe of doing it with? decency,
hut we were difappoinfod; for having contrived to make
X 2 a coffin