R*.hpsyeve*r, met whh his juft reward: for CHAP,
his beftxarpenter-negroes to the ,—v—'
£*j$oods, by hi%pajufties and-fe^erity, he, was ruined,
<* and-oblig# to f ly ^ e cplony, ,and :leave, hiseftate and
.«5ljtock t^ th e .dvfpofailpf his-creditor?».; while'on^ of the
<t gbQX®. ’Jinh^p^f jdep^tgrs,* % fegti^Qe, *, has by hi? itx-
u dqft^y^beenvt^gdf^ptedpr q£;;Ce&y, and her children*
“ Pis name is J^ycce-ur, and he is no wthejfirft of Baron’s
hay© ,a chancy of meeting
« in the rebel; camp, breathing/ revenge | againft the
| l Chriftians.
- « Mrs. D. B. is ftill in Surinam, being arrefted for her
«hufband^s debts,|fi|l;Fa.ucofil^rg fhall rbe. fold :by ex-
f c elution’ to p^y them. ( This lady now lodges at my
« houfe,. where the unfortunate Joanna .attends her,
« whom.! fhe treats; with peculiar tendernefs «and diftinc-
« tion.”;,
Having. thanked Mrs.,Piemellsy for hey account, of Joanna,
in whofe-eyeiiglifteyed the prqQiou?;pead;of fym-
/pafhy,? f itook:; myrfJeaye, .and went to my MgiRg? SP *
Rate of fadnefe and Rupefa&ion.'
v like th e ; ftyle of romance, this relation, may appear to
• fome, i t ' is neyerthelefs a.-genuine account, and on that
ifqore I flatter, myfelf may not entirely be pninterefting to
When refle&ing on the Rate of Ravery altogether,
Vol. L
A famboeisbstween a mulatto' ifcid a negr®,
N while