P lidell (J. M.) Efq. 6th Dragoons.
P eachey (Jqhfc5) S fq. M. P.
P rince (J. D.) 'Efq. Holland. _ v
PERRET':^frUiSrjS(^ajor) Pourgeoud’s Marines.
P 6 |l y . XHughy Efq.. Exmouth.
P opple (Rev. Mr.) York.
R yPer (Right Hon. Dudley) M. P.
R ockby (Right Hon. Lord) Horton, Rent, fj
R icketts (Hon. W. H.) Jamaica.
R icketts (E. Jarvis)- Efq. Jamaica.
R osendaal (Countefe de) Holland.
R olle (John) Efq. M. P. Tidwell. I
R idsbale (G. W.) Efq. -6th Dragoons;_«•.•_ - -
R olland- -(Adam) Efq. Advdcate, Edinburgh; : 9tj
R obinson (William) Efq. Writer to the S^nejE, EdinWgh.. .
R obinson (Capt Thomas) of the Hon. Eaft ^ fgC om ^ a o x ’s
“ Service.
Rigaud (P.) Efq. R- A.
R eVnsdorph (Andrew) Efq. Surinam.-
R eay (Henry N.) Efq. Blenkwell, Durham.
Spencer (Rt. Hon. Lord Henry). „ .
Strickland (Sir George) Bait. Bomton Houfe, Y o rk .-a Copies.
Strickland (Lady Eliza Letitia).
Strickland (Mifs Charlotte).
Strickland (William) Efq. Yurie.
Stricklard (Capt Geo.) 8th Regiment.
Sykes (Sir Chriftopfier) Bart York.
Small (Major Charles) Me of Man.
SmaCl (Peter) Efq. Montreal, .Canada.
Stuart (Hon. General John).
Sampson (James) Efq.- late His Majefty’s . Gonful General at
Morocco. SUTTELL
Suttell (G.) Efq. York.
Sturgeon (T. W.) Efq. Trowbridge,
,S|yALE (------) Efq, London.
Sheriff f(Mr. Robert) Leith. .
Stedman (.John) Efq. M.,D: Edinburgh.
S tedman (Capt Wm. George).
STEö'MANjt(Mi®. Catherine) Edinburgh.
Sharrat (Mr. John) WalfalL
Sheldon! (Mifs Anrt)'dE^on. M
Somerville (Mifs-Elizabeth) Edinburgh.
, T.
T odd (Mr. John) York.—a Copies.-
T ozer (Aaron) Efq. of the Hon. Eaft India Company's Service.
V. v
Vance A gnew (Robert) Efq. Edinburgh:
Yan> GoeverqeT Colonel) pourgeoud’s Marines.1
Willoughby de Broke (Rt.. Hon.-Lord).
W es-terloo (General) Hollahm
W emys® (Major) n th Regiment of Foot.
WiER-ys, (Francis) Efq. Captain in, the Dutch Navy.
Winsloe (Thomas) Efq. Colliprieft.
W oolery (R. F.) Efqi-Jamaica.
Williams (Jof.) ’Efq.' Jamaica.
Wyville (Rev. Chriftopher) Yb'pk. •
W hit!e' (James) -Efq. CounfeHor, -Exeter.
YYrayi<-(|G. Lewis) Efqr/i§pehce Farm:' ^
W ood (Bevis) Efq. Tiverton.'
W orth (John)' Efql W o ^ Houfe", Devon:
Worth (Mrs. Mary) Tiverton.
W ray (Mrs.) Richmond.
W att