I '206
N: A R R A T IV E O F A NHaviug
l^ ^ ciei^ly^ |^Abed their : figP$?%3^er: land*
bag, we now, may fupppfe them walking along the
waterr-fide, andxthrqiigh. the llreets, where, every planter,
picks crat that number which he hands in need of, to
fupply thofe loft by death or defertion, and begins, to
■make a hargaitk.yoth tbe^agtain. Good negroes are ge*-.
nerally valu§d^at from fifty to a h u r l e d pounds ^paqhi
Amongft thefe, Jbaukfvwpbaair chance to;he prqgnapt,
Ijer, price is, augmented accordingly, fgr which reafqn I
have knov^p, tire-Gaptairi of,aj j>p|ch ypjbb who#
acknowledged 'himfejf., to be the father, ; take?adyaritfg^>i
with a, brutality/carce^y credited ip,the Apry of.Ipkle and
Yarico, of. doubling the value, by s feDipgv hi?, qwii - off-,
fpring to the heft b id d e r f o r which however he. was.
highly cenfured by his companion^, .
The next.cjrcumfi^nce that takes place .before, the bar-T,
gain i& ftruck, is caufe^the nqgrof s for fajg, phkaffer,
another,, to mount on a hogfhead or a table, where thqy
are vifited by a J ^ gcngx«.
the, different geftiures, with arms and ,l?g& ,of {.a Mf^rTn
Andrew upon, tfip ftage, to prove their fqunflnefk or ury
foundnefs; after which they are adopted by the - buyer,
or rejected, as he finds them fit fophis purpofq, or othey^
wife. If he keeps them, the money.is.paid jdptpu#,.,an4>
the new-?bought negroes are immediately branded on th^s
breaft or the thick part of the fhoulder, hy a ftamp ruade.
o f fllver, with the initial letters of the new roafter’s name,:
E X P E D . I T 110 J | v T O . S:U R I.N A M. 207
asi wfe^mark ffuarnituifeJor anyjitbfeg «cHetd authenticate c H A P.
•them properly. !: TlhdfeiikotalettersjLw&iehti^re' 'about the IX*
dize^of, a .fix-pence^^sfocafianmot thatpaid which may be
imagined, ahd/tl^eublifcrsid3emgi|Ei>bbedidire'£tly4with a
.little: ifrefh- butter, ‘the fpace of two.
fQfvthrSe. dayf|£ Np ifdhoe^ ;ig,*[tkis' c^remoiry over, and a
Ib^lopme.giVii^.tp :the;p^4¥ni?0AlsHtfeF>; thanhdcor*
dhejis-deliivered-fo^ an .old o n e ^ th g ^m g ie ^ a n d iepf to
thee;|l||e^ w-h&rg^aeh^T propeidylfepbeleai^by'his guan-
dian, fd^%udled:and wjd^fofb’ Without^ Working# for the
M'eek§-,;j du-rfog which ^period, from living
ikelptohs,;thoy^beG^ne;pfomp ;and Tat, with # beautiful
.clean," Ikinj^jih it. is disfigured {hy the inhuman flogging
of Tome -rftfcatly proprietor, arcrather ;hi§ ovprfeer.
fferp l muf|} Jeave tbem!Tipr feme time, and continue
!W<|WR»thjSy after^phife^i^g $hpf- ^e^negroesi arp: cotui-:
sppfed- of dd^e^t-.nations. qir eafts, .
Ahp, ,,,, a*|f},Congo,(;
Conia, ^Grang'o,
Blitay., ^ .Konare, ;
Coromantin,i lliemha,
Loangq, .f’ombo,
bi, Zokp, r; i\Vapway,,
Nagp,r - .&p$ Sfcr
;]Papa, I
With moft of which I have* found means to getf acquaint-
?ed, and pf ,which I fliall fpeak mofe amply in another
place, of this, Ojarrative. .,'
Op the jp th , the^furgeqn h^v^ng- lauGe^my thigh, I
fcrambled out once more, to witnef:y they felling of flaves
: Vpl. I. ’ D d 4 to