fummdns,, ^firing hé
inftantly turn out to fight me, I fhould come in, ctit
down W W ÉÉ hammock with' piy’ krflfe,< arid
-treat him as Tthought his pride and infoleifee- deférvfed.
Upon this appeared a figure that w i i m ^ be effaced
from my memory. ; _ . j* ut
The Raron was'more than the5 ’middle-feej^itremely
thin" and fallow", RM ‘meagre’ vifage-orhattiented'' with- a
pair of enormous red whifkers: under the 'ndféy while a
-white ' ^ ^ neir three feet long adorned h is ^ g rM ®
back He was: in^ his: under-waiftcoat? land Walked on
f to c k in g f^w h iè h werfe black j P S M i
wprfted;'thefetoahgitig down
his referable fpindle fhanks; while crisis headhë Wore
a ftriped wórRedmight,eap of all co lo n y alfo>lri many
holes % and overohis” breeth his* valotif
his colours, which hunrg out, but tKéWfltó* ofitwMteh I
muft not attempt to defcribe. .Sfich^was ^the figum that
now,-with all-humiliation, offered m ^e>m e * g g g g
intreated my forgiveriefs, pretending not to have un er
flood me; which/«// I having granted witfea louddawgh
■ and a dram of brandy,
- ftep re-entered his den.
. on the A h Colonel Fonrgeohd, with t a p « ^ -
. tamed from his trip-to Bcmcou, having ferrounded three
fttaggling rebel negroes nnarméd,-as they-were cuttmg.a
cabbage-tree for their fubfiftence. While one of them,
called Pajfup,had efcaped, another was takei^ahve.arrd
. a thirdfWith his thigh Ihotto ihiversrby a flag cartrrdg ,
Was firft lafhed hands andrfeet, and-< thus ■ carried by two
negroes on a pole, in the manner lo&a-JhOg or a beer-
barrel, bearing' ail-; the , weight- of his j body upon his
fhattered limb§, which were dropping!with blob'd, with-
. ont-a'plaifler or a'bahdageitQ^over^he-wmirfd^ and with
his head h-arigingdow awards.; all, the rime ;• in Which mariner
the unhappy ybuth, for* heibad not the appearance of
being tw'ent-yl'.h-ad been brought through thick’'dfid thin
for above fix miles diflance from»-the'1. camp, while he
might juft .as well have been -carried£11; ofie' of the fpard
hammocks oft the foldierst I .was blocked and furprifed
at this a<ft of barbarity in Fodfgeoud,fWhom I never-had
obferved to be cruel in his cooler momentykh an* ihdivi-
dnaf; indeed I muft- do him the juftice to’ fay, quite th e
reverie, unlefs he was oppofed, as I « u ftuw n he feme-
times was by me; .but on this occafioh'he wasTo. flattered
with this trophy-of victory,- that-every* fpark o f'
• feeling.and humanity, was ektin&S The ‘body beingdaid
bn a'table;, I implored One- ©f ihe furgeora®;5 palled Pino,
to. drefs his -wounds; on whiehtyh^t he might feetn to do
fomething,jhe -put juft m&ny/round; patches as the
(lugs had made holes,.declaring he.could never recover/
and finging Dragons pmr.boire during the operation*—
Poor negro 1 what muft h*Ue,bcen.his feelings:» TbtefeW
increafing,ghe begged for-ibrae water, iwhfeh ft gave
him myfelf. clean out of my hat, Whpn-he fakftM Thank
ye, me Maferaft’.fighed, and, to my iaex|>refiible farisfaic