called Ca.ptai'n ,cÂd®é,s whbmjfon fchis/^ccafiorf received
from the govemprÿaÿaj'prbfoftb a firle ïarge cade, with a
silver pummel, on .w|nçh we^e, engraygipthe arms of
Surinam, as a mark of their independence,ahdh preliminary
to the other prefehts that Wérd toi bè fè'nt out the
year following :as Ripulated by -treaty, partkrilarly arms
and araipupjitiop, on the performance of;^b|fth peace
was to be fmajl^y concluded, |jAdce-, prefentpdippeturn a
handjfome hoftv? rjyitbi a. complete ^fe/^f^arrow^, whiçh
had been ,manufa6tured by-his own hands, as a token that
during J:hat time all enmity Ihould cgafcpn his .fide. ,
, This,a^air..gaiye great f^is^adtippjtp inany and ipde^d
to molt of Jt-he. -inhabitants.of ^hp. ^attpyr
ed themfelyps that their effef^ jw e r e .p e r f e § ^ jf^ r e ;
while others regarded this treaty as a yçr.y hazardous re?-
faurce,,and even^af a ftep tp the ineyita^e^uin p i-|h e
colony, L
I muft çonfefs'indèed^that, notwith^apding the good intentions
of QoyemorMauricius,npthTipg appear s,tp be more
dangerous than making a , forced .friendship, .with people,
who by the moft.,abje<St flayepr and ijk p fag e^ rp p rp r
yoked to break their chains, and foakepff .their yoke in
purfuit of revenge and liberty, .apd^ho^jay t^e,,truft
which is placed in them have it in their. po;wpf jta, become
from day to day more formidable,
The infurreâion having, rifep to Aicb^a heightj the co-
lonifts ought perhaps to have continued to oppose it, while
they were poffeffed of the power of oppolition, not indeed
from a motive of cruelty, but for the political good of c h a p
fo fine a fettlement. - ■ IIL
’ I f it appeared that cruelty and ill treatment had driven
thefe. poor, creatures to thefe extremities, policy, not1 lefs •
than hurhariity, ought to^haVBMi^teated^tCP'tbd^dlhfflfftsria
difkrehtcbhd^dd'Fusthre^but it rhay be alked, Whether
itdkpofiible ito keep tbe African ri'egroe&’-in Ifabits-bf obe-
dience and induftry without the ftridteft and often the
fevereflklifcipline |—NO. But I afk’a^kin, Why is it he-'
cellary to infliit fuch ffidmman torturedafecbtdmg’ to the
humour and/ daprfed of dfir uti fooling/,mafterf or "‘a Rill
more ;unprincipled Ovferfeer ?r Why fhoUld' their r'eaibn-'
able:complaints\b'e''AeVtf ’heard b y a id^ghfe-ate Who’has
it kfiKis power' tdrfMfeefeY'them ?’ Is' 'it b'ecanfe this Ufa-'
giftrate* is a planter* - ahd- tH^tVhr^^sMhtbrgRea; in the arbitrary
fgbwernrnent of. this1 unhappy/ralfce ?^—TM^f^ 'too
evident.—It would,' ’however, he great ihfuftice'if I were
not ~ to" bear Withefsuthaf T have f fib t unfrg'queh'tly *feeM
the plantation llkvefc treated With the’ utffibfF hunfafoiffyy
Whefothe hand of the matter was 'feldom liifted'/IbiTt'tb-
carefs them *| and! wherfe" the -fe 1 the! IM'V’i: iiparkled5
with gratitude'and affection.; *
uLet us npw proceed«, and fee what were the fruits o f
making peace With thefSerarnica rebels; •
In 1750, which was the'year after*.'the promifed pre-
d^ntS' wfere ’ djipatched to'Captanr ‘Adoe ; but the detach-1
ment that - carried them were-! attacked On teelr'.’march,
and the whole of the corps murdered on the fpbt by.a-
Vol. I. I defperate