c H A P. arms, in addition to their ufual weapons, bows and ar-
tf1, 'rows, they were enabjed tp jeonjmjt continual outrages
,and depredations upon the coffee and fugar plantations,
:aë wfell from "a fpiMt7 ÓF f èvéngê: for- thè iffiiüm&fl- trëHi£
ment which they had formetiy recèiVéd ff dm their
maffers, as with* -carrying aWayr- p3utfdei$ iand
principally gunpowder and ball, hatchets, &c. in order
to provide for tneir future ïuofifEêhce and defence.
Thëfe négróés were .in general fettled.in the upper
parts of the river'Copêname arid* Sërarhica, from the
latter of which th e y . take the'name of * the seramica
rebels, tn diffin^ipn from fne oqi^r g^hgs which* nave
fince revolted,
Several detachhients of military and plantation people
were lent againft. thèrp, Dujt were óf very imall effect
in. reducing them to ohedierice by promife^-o^bxtirr-
pating 'them by force or arm s i
In 1730, a moft Ihockirig and barbarous execptibn.of
eleven óf the unhappy negro captive^ was relmved upon,
in the expectation that it might terrify' their cÓrnpahions,
arid induce them to fiibrnit. . One man was hanged, ^livÓ
upon a gibbet, by an iron hook ffuck 'through, his ribs;
two others Wèrè chained yo itakês, and burnt to death
by a flow fire. Six women were brokeh alive upon the
rack, ènd tWo girls were decapitated. , Such was .their re-
fóluflon under thefe tortures, tjh&t they endured .them
Without evefi uttering a figh.— ^
y SohJgjyrtc'^liiefr^illjri^flwJio^QcniQg cHaift?, q
*ƒ tortures,
“ Will lead htsinjur’a friehas tobfooby right, v_
• •** And in-tfie’fiabded carnage take deiight
sr ^ ‘15Fik€n,^rj-èpay;p§jnforns;>i^ngb5jld'r^'i
T fopHood,rarifffep jfc{qpsg’\ ,
And Ib&t actually wasin this‘ inffanee^ fër this iRhuman-
maffaefe produced -an elëCt' very contrary to what had
•been expeCled.-' ■ Indeed it' fo much1 ehraged the Seramica
^ebëk!V«thM'-for deversd yëfes tKèy bèBahie dreadful to the
-eóiohiftsy Who'mó Jm^é'r bëing kblë to fupport tlie ex-
pences* ahd5¥ati^uësÓf -fSfifmg5 óiit -agaahft them is- the
Woods, in additibh tö the gfcat Ioffes which they lb frequently
fuftained b'fridiiëif ' Which they Mvedr
in continual teffori atrlsaff teMvëd tb tfeat fót piéaÈe Wkh
their fable enemies. ”
■' ‘ Governor Maüricmsf wh©f ^was4 a f this period' at the-
head of the colony, now fent out a ff rong detachment to»
the rebel fettlemeftt a t! thé" Sëramica rióer,, for thè pür-
pofe Of effecting, i f poffible, a peace fhs ardently defired.
gïingrêbel patties, at laflr arrived at their head1 quarters,
Of peacè, GÓhfiff ing of ten dr twelve articles, was actually
«onéfödèti ^ a f t i f e S 'in ’.pliPiym,.
fimilkr to that which h'&d Beëri made by the-EngliÖPin
the year 1739, with the réfiefs1 in the iflandof Jamaica.—^
*The chief of the*‘Séram'ica rébels Wa^ a Creole negro,