N 64 AR R A T I VE 0:F A- N'
C H5-A P. fents were fent to the negroes1 at fBe.: jocka ‘Grêeky afid,
I]T -what .is: remarkable,^ under -the care-of th^^êrïÉêaltM^^
Maye^ ’whop had -formerly' not dared!
them,, mnd efcorted iiby iix h ón fted 'me®, folÜierfaöTÉ
Raves... The puftllanimityof this tgenfteman,bttowë^etf
appeared again oh this Jétëcafijini, and -he^acl nearly
done the whole hufiiiefs bybdepartang Sbm--h<is orders^
delivering all the pfèffeiits tb tóe tf'öbéR Without l*éfeèfrvïè-g
thé hóftageS in-return. ( ’Fort dhat-felf^rahy %0ptThis
word, .and ien t -rdown four o f h-is heft óM^^P^:plëdges
to Paramaribo*. By tms thepeace^yaa përfè^l^aeGpm-
plifhed, *aftd a treaty-o f twëiy#bf-Toör|e:ëh(;aFtiTë3Mvas
figned fiy the .white cómmifiioncfcsf and
h y^ b l^ i^ p ta in s jd n 176x^5 whkh^éeremhnyitQ^plIce
on the plantation Ouca, in the; river Sm-tónat»* wlière all
' th e ; j^r|^4,,*thet> -this! >beiö|fHheJ fp ö ttb f fendefcybugf »p^
pointed fo r the p.urpofe, after four diffëÊéht%mhtÉlhêlrh'ad
heen fent, from the'Europeansftp the nëgïfoëè3, ia.
Signing this treaty alone, however,. w'as ftill noticed-
fidered as fufficient by the rebel. chief ■ Araby-and ■ his
people,. , They immediately hound •themfclves by an
• oath, and in lifted on the. commiffioners -doing--th& fame,
after the manner which is prabtifed by themfelvesj not
trufting entirely, they alledged, to that made ufe of by
the Chriftians, which they had feèn-thém tob frequently
. violate.' It m-uft indeed be confefted,. that thehegroes
themfelves are uncommonly tenacious of thefe -folemn
engagements as I never heard of an inftance, during all
the time I reSdexfin the colony, of one of them violating
his oath.
The folenieijty rpsde ufe of on .this day, ponfifted in
each partes Jettmg a few drops of blood with a lancet or
penknife from the arm, into a caliibaftx or cup of clear
fpring water, in which were alfo mixed a few particles of
dry earth, anxfof. this, all pr,efcnt were .obliged to drink,
without .exception, which they call ntmltiag each other?s
blood, having ftrft fifed a few drops, upon ^tbegtoundby
way of Jibatâon-; when .their gadqraan or .prieft, with
irpr.caft eyes and oait-dfcr.etehed .arms, .took heaven.and
earth tq witnefs, and with a moil audible voice and. in a
mofl aysful manner^ invoked fh® cunfe o f -the Almighty
on thofe who ihoidd RdT break through »this -facred
treaty made between ! them, from that moment forward
to all eternity. To «this folemn imprecation -the multitude
anfwered Da Jo ! which lignifies in their language
- ;*r Then loudly thus, before th- attentive bands,
« He calls the gods, and Spreads his lifted hands ;
“ <? firft and greateft Rower, whom all.obey,
“ Who high .on {da’s yholy.. raopotain fway j
** Eternal Jrove ! and yon bright ^ at rojj
«* From eaft to weft, and view from pole to pole !
“ Thou mother Earth ! and all ye: living Floods }
!< Infernal Furie,s3 and Tartarean gods,
w Who rule the dead, and horrid woes prepare
■ For perjur’d kings, and all who falfely fwear l
V Hear and be witnefs." _
**This fadf is noticed by the Abbé Raynal.
W Ë ,L K « From