tfoe track ©£ -the, <by |Jïb; iajatfeg ®£ 'th&&TÓotï$eps
ia the mud,' ‘&$flife bröfcen fcdtftes, ■' BécV
3^*4’ m m ^ W appearance It böre' thwliM's' Finnehupgbf
already aheötijbned.ï;
I had rflfiw indeed found the hefly’ btft the birds
were\ fle wa» We /oodtiriiied our in arch tihèight o'clock*
when w:rarrmöd at the &kia*JÊ’spoft. geribd, in Pericd, m'
% moft ihocking ©©ndi'taon, haying? 'wadfed*thrdiigh= water
afid mire-above our hips, fcKLprbed over h©ap£< h f failed
trees, andcrdpt hndemeath oh! êferfeeMhÉ' ■'Ttei/hüw*
B w i f « S th*>'worft,’» üfcr ö u r fteffe wa© 'tem %
mapped- and t-prn:b j *hc| ±horias, andftiMg by öie Patatr
lice, ant^ apd' mqfy^wajy^ or '&$?&, '7 Thi-sdaft as' afr
infedhaot-larger than an'Enghfh b ltMêttfe fl^ ah d is’ ó f
a Maekf ppleür, qdit?e? ddfïèreht ftd&Shóf ;: riaey'aré
npv^r'kept Mi' h iy ^ b iit ftrartó milè iadihb whèfè'
they brtdd in hollow treesor between fh&btafibhes; their
nefts being fometimês as large as ‘an inflaCë#^#sfhladö
der,,to whiêhtthey bear in© had refet&bfaltifeBëfih id'éölcrar
aind f©a«o©tbhef^Fexc:ept inborog Jéft 5rd^ÜIa¥Pf ö¥è$ pfrbih
th^e abodes (whm; the -nesft .or, .thé' b^aHëhd^^ hfad-
Vtertently touched); ffcouïabeM bf warfiÖ^4aïï|r forffi"f~- ahd
this Htde flying drmy fe
alwayy-by intöi»éb.cra
they cannot ©af# f i g p t p e a t y .
©aja-fe a f&werr and fvhell- thé partei 'fd#éry mttfcïf that"
tliey: ,occ-aiibn:|diödnef$- for federal'M u rs^ thbrr lióney
B h l ' f d - i i y é
C H AP .