-c h A PI fometif&es foid for the price of a Portugueiejoe, or fome-
, ? ' . , times^for- two guineas,; The Indians or natives of Guiana
nihke very good hammocks of; cottoiv which they
barter with the inhabitants at PafaffiWifeo^ other
modftief.^!h the annexed' plate J f ^ th e twig-itfelf* B the
pod, C the coftori-hallj- and- D th e feed, but on- a fmaller
fcale than nature. I fhould herealfo defcribe the coffee,
;fiigar> and indigo plantations', h u t muffT&ferve
them till another eccafiOh, having made it a" ruletofpeak
Of things" Only as they Oecur^Mchis mb£e pleafaht to
myfetf* arid better adapted to div-erSFy my hairativ^ ?
Being now perfedtIy r e c o ^ i^ ,f #efoiyed-tb i'6hi {Monel
Fourgeoud at the Wana Creek, without waiting his orders,
and to accompany him on his ^xburllofcs through
• theforeft: in confequence1 of^which* having firft ttopt
my hair, as being more cOnveriieht in the woods as Well
as more cleahlyy and provided- mylelF with fMOheheffify
hufh-equipage, fuch as jacket^ ttoWfers, |M | I Waited
on the governor to afk his-commands 5 he entertained the
in a rcidft polite manner, and - told me, that What I Was
now • going to fuller would furpafs what I had already
undergone. I nevertheless perfifted in wifhing to go
without waiting an order from the chief, and accordingly
appled to the magiftrates for a boat, and the neceffary
negroes to tranfport me; which being promifed for the
Succeeding day, I transferred the colours and regiment’s
oath, with the command of the remaining lick troops, to
Lieutenant S H B