I requefted. that I might be removed to Paramaribo
for the chance of* recovery ^ but. this he peremptorily,
refufed to allow me, by Colonel Fourgeoud’s exprefs-
command.. The refufal of fo. reafonable a requeft
made me almoft. diffracted, and agitated; my fpirits fo
much, that on the morning of. the iath, determined
to exchange my wretched- exiftencbtone .way or,, other,-
1 infifted on being; immediately; removed,! or wiffeed
for death, which the _fnrgeons,-^clayed-(naui^he^Jlbb
©>^gquence foon, i f L w is in g ^permitted to ^go. down,
and in the meanwhile I vowed that 1 fhould attribute my.
deceafe. to their unprecedented barbarity; A £onlnltat;f jpn
was now held on. the. fubje<5t ; : and; a t -lailjvno.t ;withPUt
great difficulties, a boat was ordered to row, me>fdoJV;n.
to Paramaribo, but np whitp.feryaut was permitted M
attend me. Thus leaving therj^ientenap^^tdo'nelt^iJirri
ployed in fortifying Devil’s Harwar witb, pallif^dpes,
where now alfo was a numerous .gar-rifon, I at twelve
o’clock at noon walked to the water-fitle, fupported;
by a negro, on whofe fhoulder I refted, till I at
length ftepped into the boat, followed by my black
hoy Quaco, and finally left the diabolical lpot :?yhere
I had buried fo many brave fellows.
On the 14th, having rowed day and night, at two
o’clock in the morning, we arrived at the town, extremely
ill indeed; where, having no refidence of my
pwn, I was hoipitably received at the houfe of a Mr.
De La Marre, a merchant, this gentleman not only re- chap.
eeived me, but immediately fent a fervant for poor vnL
Joanna, who was a£ her .mother’s,. and another for a % V'"“*
phyfician to.attend me, as my weak and hopélefs condition
now(Vféqùirèd-every affiftance that the town
©f Paramaribo- could afford.
VOL. I. C c e h a p.