k A'R R A f I V Ë O F - IfjSP
W e now- ferkrafly prepared -for.; '-vi&oT-y' or death, on
hoard^ the wooden walls; of ithe-Colony^ which condlied '
q£ half a* 'dozen crazy *old fugar barges, fufch as are ufed
by the colliers’-in the Thames," being m r - rm fe d '^ k ^
with boards^rhWgave them the appearance of To rkm f-
co ffin s;, and how well they„deferved this am
afr^d will too foon appear by-the numbef ofmen they-
On the dfirft of July- were difpatched for theirivfefv feome-'
wina, one captain, two fubalterns,one B B S S H E co i# -l
rals, and eighteen mem- Of this-' captain;-!1 eahbot-ffielp
mentioning a ver^. fingufar >cirCumfta0cei^the3lt'rft day
we landed in this colohy,:liaving^ entered:- thtedbdfihg^oti’
which he was billetfed, his'landlady dfefelafM^flre fhould
ever pride herfeff in fliewing allihe'ciyffity ih'll^r F o ^ F
to either marines or naval officers* ds ffiO-o^ed- h§rdif£?to
one -of them, Who had fome years befdfe^ieRfed herrhp
m an open boat with-feveral others; afteF-thly had beOh
tofled about fixteen days WithOut- either •e'ompals, faih^or
provilionsr a little fea-bifcuit an<f water excepted, omthe
Atlantic To avoid circumlocution,- this very^entleman,
whofe name was Tulling Van Older'Bar nevelt,
proved to be the individual officer who had faved her
from the jaws of death, as he at that time beldrigOdto
the navy, being a lieutenant of a Dutch mSnof war/:
This fame day we alfo difpatched another barge with
two fubalterns, one ferjeant, one corporal, and fourteen
men, commanded by Lieutenant'Count Randwyck, to ,c H A5.
the river Pirica; and in the evening','tiavingentertained , VL
fome feleft friends 'in : my houfe, I hade farewell to my
Joanha/fto wfibffe G&e^I left'my all*"; and heffel f to the
Trotedion Of her mother - and aunt,'with' fny directions
for putting her to fehool until my return: after’which;
I at laft mafch^^on-'board, with four fubalterns, twofer-
“jeahits, three corporals;5 and thirty-two mén* under my
command, to tie divided into two barges, and bound for
The upper part of therivef Cottica.-—
' Now i¥iy Mulatto caft a mournful look, ‘
Hung bn ftiy- hand, and then dg'edted tpbkc}
Her bóforri labour’d with a boding figh,
•Andjhè big tear' flood trembling in her'eye,/ . '
The above barges were all armed with fwivels, blun*
dérbuffes, &c. and provided with allowance for one
month: their orders were (that which, went to the Jews
Savannah excepted) to cruize up and down thé upper
parts of the rivers, each barge having a pilot, and rowed
by negro flaves; ten of which were on board o f each for
the purpofè, and which made my complement; including
my black boy Quacó, exactly jfixty-five, thirty-five of
Which embarked with myfelf. With this fhip’s company
was I now flowed in my hen-coop; while oil board of my
'lieutenant’s. barge the crew cönfi-ftèd of twenty-nine only*
and confequêntly werelefs'cowded
Vol. I. - s I muft