u ter of the late Mr. Kruythoff, particularly for having
u attended?me during ficknefs; I in gratitude requeft of
*e you,who are her makers» to let me purchase her liberty
u without delay: which favour fliali be ever thankfully
“ acknowledged, and the money for her ranfom imme-
il diately paid, by
u Gentlemen,
** Your moft obedient fervant,
(( John Gabriel S-tedman:,
** Captain in Colonel Fourgeoud’*
" Corps of Marifes.” .
This letter was accompanied by another from my
friend Lolkens, who much cheared my profpedts by the
aRurance of fuccels.
Having difpatched thefe letters to Rolland, 1 bad how
the opportunity of obferving the whole procefs of a fu-
gar-plantation; of which I ihall endeavour to give an accurate
The buildings ufually confifl: of an elegant dwelling-
hóufe for the planter, outhoufes for the overfeer and
book-keeper, befides a carpenter’s lodge, kitchens, ftore-
houfes, and ftables, if the fugar-mills be wrought by
horfes or mules; but on the Hope thefe are not requi-
fite* as the wheels move by water, ftored in canals during
the fpring-fide by means o f fluices, which being opened
at low Water pour out like a deluge, and fet the machinery
in motion. A fugar-mill is built at the expence
6 of
E X P E D I T,I O N T O S U R I N A M.
©f four-thoufand,,nay.foretimes.feveiLor eight tlibu- <CH AP.
fand pqup^Sj. ^ . . Xn1' .
A0pardculac,hffcription..sfkiM conftru£tiort might h e
jpo,:tediqi]g4^;I ffhall pjhy pbfervp, tjratp t^e large, water-,
wheel moves,, perpendicularly, and qorreft>on.ds, with an--
pther 4arg|*wheel placed in.an,horizoi^ju; direftion, and,
this* again ,^6ts, uppjn three , cylinders .op rollers pf caft-
irony^fupported„ ppdcrneath hy, a ftrop^ bpam,^ fo clpie;
:|pgefh|r tjjhrwhen t|te whole" is* in motion, sthey*driw in,
j andhq^cq?1^, -as thin, ^s, hapeh a whatever fcphes.;betjveen.
thpm^ . In this mapper the rfn,g|||£,|nMsibr to £epa--,
rate thg juic.e prf hquor from the traih. '<
Thofe.millsthat. ,ajge wrought by, catt^ are COT%udled
upon the fameipri^d^es, iohlypthe ii^ rf^ 'p r mides an-.
Txyer^the jpwpofe-o^the honzontal wlpel, by dragging
round af,la^e^levei;. If thq w at^m iM w o rk the Jafte#,'
and be'the cheaped,. yet ^ s :,thfe$ m u f t'^ it forthe'tides,,
.they ca,n.only work part the day-;,, whereas the cattlg-
mills are always r^ady wheney^-the^ proprietor finds it-
eonvenient to.ufe.them. Adjoining to the mill-houfe is,
a large apartment,, alfo built.of br-iqhb in which, are, fixed,
the coppers or, larghj-cau^fon)-to^bpil the liquid fugar.,
Thefe ape ufually five^ih'nutnhct y oppofite to thefe." are ■
the coojers, whiqh are^largp.fqnare hat-ho^medAvopyen’
veffels, into which the fugar is put from, the - caujdrpps,
to cool, heforejj: itj is put,ipto;hpgfheads, whiph are placed,
pear the cpplers uppn ftrong channeled rafters, that r.e-.
Yql. I. ' '" s f ceiye