224 N _A ;R,R; A ;T I V ;E Q F ,A N
C HAP. app?atang| fe8&Jgr&§ arfx.
verfary ;■ atother times, the£e,prikkies, lie^at-w Ats-bacfci
fomefhihgrUke the briftlps o f a hog* The ;b,ead Ajf .the
porcupine i§ïbfv a; roundish makg, i a i j f ] b a d y
•by. ^ f^fnarkahly-tKlGk'fliQrt vnec?k;; i^ e y e& J ro large,
brigM| a n d ^ cÈ d ’ under the, ears y which ajgj p j ;fmall
! and, rounds i t nievefr bite&i iOh eftejljfi4^Pf
qaj:;; £its |eet, are
fhaped much like tbofe erf: a; monkey,elyfeibh iaffift it in
cfimbing^tées tb 'feek< for: its „ food, in: .wh^h > it^ long
tapering- tail is: alfa i v,éry fervic&able, which:,, like a fifth
limb, it twifts r&iyl which, near; .
extremity isrtc65?«redvi>Mf^ti:Mithi. bslrfjftké; &er&ee<fJEb£
under part hear „the; tip only exeeptedjr whichr is per^
rfeajreaftousrmid bl^ck, as .are afto. thejinfidp^of^Ults
fegt. l c The -h^gg^wg! of t Jfcj& country, is, I think,, little
deferent ftom-that oftjth.eeo ld eónftftónk: beisgefhopt
eight or ten inches in length) - covered over with pale
yellow Ipricklesj/but with hair on. the face, and opder. the
befty^which is-mthet fofter .and logger than in tip l|fdg$rt
hóg of cFnrope.. It has dark browA fpots like.'.eye-brows;.
: over its; eyes, arid.no- earsbut auditGryjbqlgs* and fiye.
toes pith- bended claws on each. foot». its tail is very flaort,,
andits defence confifts in forming itftrff into a round halls
in the: manner oft the armadillo. Its food confift s of fruit,
roots, vegetables, infers, &c. and its- fiefli is not dif-
efteemed by thé Indians or natives of the country.
Colonel FOurgeoud not having; yet arrived, I amufed