man . -WSl- pmmifc-di Iff dfliveS^ the rebels
not only gave him and his
to return with it to ^own, but allowed their governor and
court a whole year to deliberate whether they {were to
chufe peace nr war., iinai^e^hfly ilwearing that during
that interval all animofity .ffiouldeeafe on their fide; after
which, rhavarg entertaiirad th em in the fe6ff manner
their fit nation in the woods afforded, they wiflae'd them a
happy Journey to Paramaribo..
One of the rebel officers, on this oocafion, reprefented
to the commiffioners how deplorable, i t was that the
Europeans, .who pretended to be a civilized ’nation,
lhould he fb much the oocafion of their dwn fuin by
their inhuman crudities towards their flaves.- “ We de-
fire you/’ contiimed the negro, f? to tell your gocvefrior
** and your court, that in cafe they wanti to xaife ho new
(t gangs o f rebels, they ought to take oafe that the
" planters keep a mOTe watehfiff eye oyfer th d r own pto-
4t perty, and not to truft them fo frequently in the hands
of drunken managers and overffers, wf© l^fWreng-
** fully and feverely chaftifing the negroes, debauch-
** ing their wives and children, negledting
4t are the ruin o f the colony, and wilfully drive to the
4i woods fueh numbers of ftout active people, who by
their fweat earn your fubfiftence, without whofe hands
4t your colony muff drop to nothing; and to whom at
j‘< laft, in this difgraceful manner, you are glad to come
u and fue for friendlbip.”
t Mr.
i Mr. Abercrombie now begged that he might be ac-<
companied by.J©jnevpf?' two of „their principal officers to
Paramaribo, where, he promised they lhould be well
treated; but the chief, Araby, amfwered’ him with a
fmile,, that it wasj time enough, a year after, When the
peaee,lhould _h;e thoroughly concluded ; that then even
his yo^ungeff ioH lhould he/ at their ferviee, to receive his
education among them, While 1,for his lubjfiftpnce, and
even:for'th^t <|f has dependants^he llioiild take-the fble
Care upon liimfelf, without Wergiyi-ng the Chriftians the
fmalleft trouble. t
After this,jhje ,Gonumffio'ners left the rebels, and the
whole detachment arrived; fafe at Paramaribo.
The year, of, deliberation .being tended, <the -governor
and court Cent out two frelli commiffioners- to the negro
camp, to bring, the fo much wifhed-for peace to 'a thorough
cp n c lufionwhich,: after much debate, in d many
ceremonies on both fides, was at laft finally agreed upon.
Prefents were promifed to he fent by the Chriftians,
agreeable to the wifhes of thefnegtoes while thefe laft,
.as a proof of their affection to the Europeans, infilled that
each of! the commiffioners lhould, during theif remaining
ftay in the rebel camp, take for his conftant companion,
one of theif handfomeft young women.—Th|f:| treated
them alfo liberally with,game, filh, fruit, and the ehoiceft:
productions of the fbreft, and entertained them, without,
jntermiffion, with mulxc, dancing,- and repeated volleys.
At the return1 of the ctommaffioners* the ftijiulated pfefents,