e H A Pi ? - Here Joanna introduced me to a. venerable old flave*
j Irer grandfather, who'iriade ©fr-fialf a dozeti
fowls.'-He wife
fortably fupported for many years through, the -Kind- attention
o f his ’numerous efl^^in|j> <T3S^ tOId;
horn in Africa, where he had once ■ beeif more' refpd&ed
than any of his "Surinam mafters ’ever ^were': in-' tlieir
It will no doubt appear frirprififtg to many-of my
readers to find me mention this^female flav^'fcAoFtei?, arid
with fo much refpedt ;■ but I cannbt fpekk \vith?-mdif-/
ference ©f an object fo deferving of attention* ahdrWhofe
affectionate attachment -alone eounter-balara&d'hH' niy
other misfortunes. Her virtue, youth, anti’
ed more and more my effeem^>while thedowdeH o lJ fiet
birth a id condition $' inftead ■ of • dimidi-flnng, '{ferved-’-to
irtcreafe my affection;-^What^eah Tlifylfartheruipbn this
fubjeCt ?—Nothing; but content riiyfolf with dhe^confo-
lation given by Horace to Phocius, the. Roman foldier i
S u- Ne fit aqeilte tibi: amor pudorij H
** Let-not my-PHoeius think it- fhame.-
“ For a fair flave to own his flame-;
“ A flave could Item Achilles move, '
u And bend Ins’haughty foul, to love: .
** Ajax, invincible inarms,.
“ Wascaptiv’d b y his captive’s, charms«.
“ Atridei
• ,f Atrides ’midfl:his triumph mourn’d,
“ And for a ravilh’d virgin burn’d ;
1 iWhat time the fierce barbarian bands
“ Fell by Pelides’ conquering hands,
“ And Troy (her Hector fwept away)
" Became to Greece an eafier prey.
' f Who knows, when Phillis is your bride,
" To what high rank you’ll'be allied ?
“ Her parents deair, of gentle race,
Sh’a'll not tlieir fon-ih-law dilgrace.
f-She fprung from kings/or nothing Ids,
“ And weeps the family’s diftrefs.” I
On th§', 6th of March I returned to the Hope, loaded
rwkhfifiiWlsjt aubergines, brocolii agoma, and a few Su-
rxpam/ ch^r|ie§.s;.ygh^ aubergines, are a fpecies of fruit
< ‘M , th f ilhap^ 'of a cucumber; they are o f
tai6y,?pi?.cplpur’Without, .and white within; They are cut
-in.jfMfees and-eaten Uke fafiad, fometimes ftewed: they
are very good >and wholefome; | The leaves, o f the tree
r whi?h, feears this fruit are large and green, covered with
a purple-coloured down. The agoma. is a bitterilh ve- ‘
-gsjfbte -the hrocoli as in Europe, but fcarce. The cher-
!ries iare ribbed, v-ery four,| and unlefs very ripe fit only
for preferving.|
° n the prince of Orange’s anniverfary, the 8th of
•March, I invited fome company to drink his health,
, Rr 2 whillt