ÓH a p. exctsf©; -yet * affurgdly my TeeMngs ■ xflll be fprgi yen m cm-
t.,.j; by tböfe few only exeeptéd^who cdplighfc in A© prudent'
conduct of Mr, Incky to the haplefs arid much-injured
Tarica at Barbadoes.
I next'traa-: to the honf© of my friènd holkeffisy who*
happened to be rheadminiftrator u f Fauccmberg eftate
and afking his affiffanee, I -intimated to him my ftrang©-
deamination ©f f^mha^ng and edomtkig’Joannas -
; Having; recovered from his- fttfprizei'i aftefc' gaZing at
me filently for fome time, an interview at once: was pro-
pöfedt andthe heanteptbs fever 'a^3ómpaéiè(i fey atfethale;
relation, was produced trembling ib my* prefhnce.; ^
Reader, if you have periifcd- the tafe o f with,;
pleafurc, though the feene admits of no^ Gomparifoay fe -
jpft not the hiffory of Joanna, with êbntémph-^Ii n©w
proved to be the who-hads privately fent‘ rhe the- cordial'
and the ©ranges in March, when I was hearlyrexpirang,,
and whiiffir fheTïiew -naötfedfy acknowledged? was in
*i gratitude for my expreffiohS of cbmpaihomBefpe£Hng
« her fed fituation | ”* with; firtgtilar delicacy,; Fhöweyér;,
fhe reje&ed every propófal of becoming mine-: upon any
terms. - She was cOnfeious^fljo
« fhould I foon return to Europe*, Are mul% -either be-
« parted from me for ever, or accompany me- to-a part
« o f the- world where the inferiority* of her<,<fOnf?lihöni
« muft prove greatly to the disadvantage o f both herfelf
4t and her benefa&or, and thus in either eafe be mifer-
«able,” In which fentiments Joanna’firmly perlifting,
Ihe was immediately permitted to withdraw, and return
to the houfe of her aunt; while I could only, intreat of
Mr. Lolkens Jus gpnerqps protedtion for her, and that
fhe plight atJeaH for, fome time be feparated from the
other,jlay^jand eontifipe-at Paramaribo; .and in this re-
qrteft hks l^um^ity'was iodnqpd-to indulge mpt. ,
On the 30th the pew^ ap-iyed« |hat the r a n g e r having
^i-fcpvered a. rebel visage, had attacked it, and carried
.of^jthrpe prifqn§rs?j, paying ,fopr others dead upon
the fppt, tyhpfe .right hands, chopped off and barbecued
©r fmphe-dyi,ed, they had fent tp the governor of Paramaribo
a s^p jo p f of thejr valour and fidelity,.
Op^rpceiying this iptelHgence, Colonel,Fourgeaud immediately
Jeft the river Surinam, where he ftill was, and
on thfe firftof May returned to town, in expectation of
his Regiment'being employec|ron actual, ifeirvice^ but there-
th.Q hu^nefsv ended ; and we ftill, to our^ utter .ajjSonifh.-
mqnt» were allowed ,to- linger away our time, .each agrqq-
ablyCtO, h isw n , peculiar- fency- On the 4th of May, the
r^ngprs howevpr, 'WG£? revipwqd in the Fort Zelandia, at
which ceremony I \vas pr^fCnf, and nmft/confefs that
this, corps of - black foldiers had a truly ppaqly appear-
anqe-: warriors whofe.-determined and ppen^fpedt .could,
npt but, give me- the fat is faction of a foldLerdn beholding
them. They here one© more Received, the, thanks, of the;
governor., for their manly behaviour and faithful .con-,
d^d^ip^tie^larly?at the taking JSQucpng lefidps which,,
they- were- entertained with a.rural feaft,vat the pphlips
exppntq, at Paramaribo* to which were alfo invited their
families*; and at which„feaft feveraL^efpe^tahlemeople p£
both fe-xes madfe their appearance jyithplgafure, to wit-,
nefs, the-happmefs of their fable friends, the day being.
Vol. I. O 3 fpent