c h ap. couldhot procure a; yam tora. bunch bfiiplahtains, 'While:
xm‘ 4ie h id whole ctte^ts ofTpedein hM‘*p®ffeffih® ?^BM his.
object was to-gala avprafifcof ten per) cent.. .©n’ithejpay.of
the whole-regiment, and for this]he wasjh-ftly blamed by
the corps in general. |
On the ailf, feveral officers, came to vifit me.at the:
Hope* whom. I entertained; with; a . fifli .dinhehr-amongfi:
whieh.)Were the kkmiryr the lamper-, and macrely-Jlfy, aR
which I ihall briefly. deferihe. The , kawky as; a rfimah
fifh .without| &alf% .the head,. i|i Iferg&i.withiifv^o along
antennae or, whiikers projecting from the upper jaw* and
is very plentiful in the rivers, | - The lampfsrdf rafjpii&ieS: of
the lamperii^ that arercaughlinilithe cEjptamess thdfer.of
Surinam are, not large* b:Ut . very .fat* ©f a round fhnpe*
flimy or ghitinousvifs Eoloik ablueiih gcefmwithffpipw
ipots, except the beHy* whieh is. white ^ thisiiffijjlike the
•falrnon/ frequents; both the .fea.ahd;She: riversb jThlP-
macrely-fify refembles a mackarel, whenee.it hasv‘ihs
name, only its colour is; more blueifh* and hot near f®s
fplendid^ ;
: We. were, very happy* andmygueflsperfeCtly faltisfied;
with their entertainment. But: on. the morning of the aad.
my poor Joanna, who had been our cook,, was attacked
with a violent fever ; fhe defired to. be removed to Faur
conberg, . there, to be attended by one of her female reflations,
which I complied with. But on the evening of
the 25th flie was fq extremely ill, that I determined to.
vifit her myfelf, but .-as privately as poffible, as Four-
geoud was to vifit me at the Hope, the next day ;■ 'for his
fatirical jokes upon fuch an occafion I f could very well
difpenfe wi t h a n d I knew the moft laudable motives
were no protection agairifi:- the ungovernable Tallies of his
.However difficult the undertaking,' as I had to pafs clofe
to Ms poll:, I like another; heander was determined to crofs
the Hellefpont; of. whieb; having informed my friend
Heneman,, IJfet'out about;|ei£e^Jbn at flight in my own
barge, wl<en'coming oppofite' New Rofe&bkck, I heard
Fonrgeoud^s voice yery walked on the
beach, with v fume 1 other, facets,''Hand ijnhnediately the
boafu was 1,hailed ^by,ja? jhfitjnebland.. ordered to come
afhore. I noV tVqdght all washover; but/' jierfifting
'llrithelaft, I tokhtlje negroes to .apfWbt8iltejfyn'$tovat
the name of an adjoining plantation, and -thushgot leave
to ..proceed unrtiolefted. .Soon after-1 arrived fafeat Fau-
conberg, and found my tteareft. friend much better;
But on the .26th, in'the morning, miftaking the daylight
for moon-lhirie,'I overilept myfelf, and .knew, not
how.to-,return to the Hope,: as m y bargeiand h^hfoes
could how not pafs without being well known ththe Co-
lonel. Delay was ufelefsj fo-out I fet, trailing emireiyto
the ingenuity of my flavesl,' who put me afhore juft -before
we came in fight of the head-quarterh; wheii 'one
of them efcorted me through the woods, and I arrived
V o l . I. .....U u 3 T " fafe