chap , head hanging downward?* ^ moüt afFe&ing! fpe^ïaclèi
t XIII‘ W'hen, mmifsgtb ri&e overleer, I implored that fhe i^igbi;
pe immediaftèly l‘tiratbovwswJs finse ijre. had' undergone tht,
Whel^ -of. fo fevére a {bu t Ühfir fbort aöfwef'
whiqh 1 obtain ed Was, 'thatI toipreyenl all drangers 'froM
iat^Ffeflug^êiih hi§ gpternment* he had made tfn> iahal-
terabit rule* i£t fhatnca&jjgl^yay&'to double i^he |tafiïfh*.
ment *,which- be'*infta®f aheodfly began to' póf im execution
: I ^d^ayo^ed. taitópMm^ i|>ut iii'vaiiï,ih:e
ing the delay fhoiild nbü 'alfter^his, determination, but
rüako hiiö takei^engeanfice nwith" ddaaMe irttereih TMis
I had no other remedy bijt' tchrun i to tny boatr and 3ba%%
the deteflable naonftef, like a bead óf prèy* to eigóy-hiS
bloody fekfl^till he was; glutted. ■ Erom that-day f *4®! :
i termined to break off all dommuïiióation withöyerféOrg,
ahd eopld not reffain frame.'biQEr imprócatiöm 'ft^alnfl:
the .Whole; rdejoïiefs.rfrateih^^ï Öpon ifiyeftigatiiïgithé
canfe óf tlxis matchlefs barbaiity, 1 was credibly inform*
§d, ’ that h e r only crime cooafifted in firmly feftifingf ter
fubm-it to the. Eoathfome; embraces of h e r deferable executioner.
Prompted' by hisrjealénfy and reYerigqjhje
called this the pmrifhment 'of difobedieace, and Ihè WaS
thus fldad alive.; ; Not haying hithertö intiódneed^the
SambOD; qaft, I take this opportunityi'by h©fe reptefent-
ing the miferable young woman as I found her to thé
attention, of. the fympathizing reader.
A Satinhoe is between a mulatto and a< black, being ef a
deep copper-coloured, complexion, with dark hair, that
M curls