till. finally riùthiRgv leen- than:|he luadey feet
and'claws, which.were at laft disengaged, from the twig,
and the poor creator© was fwalowed whole by fusion
down th e throat of his formidable adverfary, whence
he was drawn; fame inche&;fe.rther down, the alimentary
canal, and at: laft: duels, forming, a knob or knot at
leâft fix times as thick as,- the fnake., whof© jaws and
throat immediately contracted and, re-affumed their fpf-
mer natural fhape, The fnake being;out of our reach,
we could not kill him,, as we wilhed to: dby to take a
further. examihMaop. Thus we left him, continuing
in thé faîneattitude without merging, :apd twifted rmuid
the; branch.
On the third of November, one party of-tkf troops .h ^
ing arrived,, and encamped on the fouth-wfft.fide.ctf the
Cormoetibo Greek, about one mile above the. mouth of
the Wana Creek, I w a it w&foadffiuaffirjh§ T Wk
them a vifit.; when Major Rughcop,. the commanding, officer,
informed me that' Colonel Eonrgeo.ud had-mapcjied
laft: from- Ratam.aCa in, two columns,^o^w^çjb ^ é le d the
one, while the: other: was hourly , expected and that the
reft of; the regiment was divided between the. rivers Çdt-
ticà,. JRérica, and Gomewipa, excepting thofeibat. w£re-
lick in the hôpital at Paramaribo. I was now in excellent
health and .good fpirits ; and ip the hopes: of beipg.
reconciled to Fourgeoud by this voluntary pixiof of my
jjeal for the fervice, I returned to the rangers’ camp to
wait hfe arrival. Twas. indeed well, acquainted with his.