-jjqfjfltjfits* -toyiw^ty, ox fiye-ahdrtwenty
thoufand povitid| ^epling, ^clufiye. pf th&Yaihe of the
whigb is fuppofedkta b e a native of Guiana, I refer him,*
to the annexed plat%Svhgre he m^y, view ijt in the dife
ferenfc ffegfs, though. on. a fmaller fcafethaw nature; A
feeing its firfe appearance abpye , the ground ; & the cane
Gomeito half piaterity 5 £Tthp feme with drooping leaves,,
when fully rip e; £> a piece gut off at one end,, and
broken off at the
We fepljl; now .examine‘ its j)rogref| through the mill;
here jt is bru.ife,4 h,etween the three e^i|ider$i or rolfe^
through which it paffes tvpqe*once it: enters, and on’ce-
it returns* when it is .changed to trafh, ^nd hs pithy
fubfeanceahto liquid;* whieh;.is c o n d i^ ^S ^ , extradled,.
through a grooved: beam, from the mill to the boiling-
houfe, where it is reqeiypd into a hind of woodeik
So very dangerous -is- the work of .t^ofe negroes, who-
attend the rqbers, Sagers, he
eaught between, them, which #equfft% happens th o u g h 1
inadvertency, the whole arm is; iaftantly, fluttered,- to
piece&y if inot part of the bodi^f A. h^tehet is, generally
kept ready to chop off the limb,,. before the working of
the mill can be flopped. Another danger is, that fhould
a poor flave dare to tafte that -jugarwbieh he -pradugej,
by the fweat of his brow, he .runs, the ri.fk oh receiving
jfhl^C-a. . fomsu