f P N A R R A*T IV E O F A N
bkAP. tMvefiMs havMg."beta- able m h©af the report of the
vii. giins fired by the other* Dufihg this, however, 1 met
5 / ' with a fmafi accident, by fifing myfelf one of the blunfiefbuffes^
Which i planed like ^-mulquet againfi my
Ihoultier ; when I received fuch a ftroke hy its ,reboundin
g 1 as! threW me backward over a large hogfhead of
‘feefefk and had nearly diflbeated my. right arm. : This
' however it ieem% was owing to my ignorance o f rhe mam
m i of fifing -the blnnd^bufs* aa I have* fipee been
-informed that all fetch weapons JOdght td be fired under
-thrhand, efpecially when heavy charged/; aM-themfey
Twinging round the body iuddeoly, the force- of the
•rebound is broken, and the effect fcarcely fenfible. I
•ihfeft this d&ly to fhew in What ^manner heavy-loaded
mufoatoohs ought always to be fired; -especially fines,
■Without any aim, the execution from th d r wide; month
•is-ahnoft equally fatal.
•Oft the a6fhi by a cahoe that Came down ifram Fata-
maoa, 1 received intelligence that the Cerberufc wasr in
danger of being furprifed by the enemy, who had been
difeoverid hovering round about her ; and the part Of
the river where fhe was moored being Very narrow, I
eonfidered Mr fitnation as critical. I therefore immediately
rowed the Charon up before' the Finnebtirgh
Greek; and having manned the yawl, as being the moft
expeditious, went myfelf, with fix men, to their afia.fi-
- ance : but Wa'S agreeably furprifed at finding the whole
to be a fbisfe alarm. In the evening we returned back to
a our
our fiation. In rowing dowq I was aftonifiied at. being
hailed fey:.a human., voice, which begged me for God’s
fake Eta ftep on flwrfe. This Ildid^with two of my men;
when I was accofted by a -poor:Old negro woman, imploring
me to afford h er fome affifianee>; It feem$ fhe
Was the property of a Jew, to, whom belonged the fpot
,Of grefted where fi&mndhefty and »where: the poor creature
lived Equity alone,? in ra hut )nbt larger than a dog-
kenneb!ffiiffounded fey a wiMerpefs, with .only a few
plantam-tfees^yamsyand dafiava^’f&r her fupport. She
Was ho longefE Of ufe to work on the great efiate, and
was banifhed here orily -tcrfiipportf her m^fier’§Etight to
the pofliffi<3n, ,fince thlsfpof had been ruined by the re-
feels, ifavihg left with her Fa‘;piece of fait beef, feme
bafley, and a bottle of rum, I took my leave* when (he
offered hAe ih return ch© of hjef cats: but this I cfejuld not
accept, for by thiss token, T? mean upon the information
of the cats, my hegr© rowers firmly infilled that fhe mpi$
be a witch j; which evinces that this fupgrfijtioh is not
confined to Europe, t
In this cheek, the banks ©f vshicir op both fid©§; are covered
with mangrove-treesj thornsy and briers> we found
fiuatin%iroh the ’(forface/ of the water a. kind of large
wliifo nut, which tfeemed to haile dropped Of themfelves
fey ripenefs from the fhell. TThey are fiveet, eriiip, .and
exceedingly good’ eating; b u t» I .neglected to 'inquire
from what tree they* had fallens| Akiad q| Water fimfb,.
called the tmecokimct^ is hereEMfoi t© be found in great