‘ C HIA: P.
' oiir limbs in the limpid ftream;: health land göbd fpirits -
r were now again my portion, while my partner, fiourifhed
in youth and beauty,.'tire envy, and admiration of all the
;1 Colonel Fourgeoud now intending to quit thewoods*
and éiieamp at Magdenbergi a poft near the foufce o f
the Comêwina, I fent a large barge with provifions,; ef-
cofteft by an officer and twenty men^itoi thafeplace;; and
;npoh; reviewing may remaining’ marines/ tbp^did not-
amount, to twenty. men, befidesna fmalf detachment at
\ Galis/near the; mouth of Caffivinica! Creek;- Higher up
• thé fame ereek>at an reflate eaRed* Gupy* w e r e l d P#®d
an officer and a few fbldiers..
On the morning; of the 4th, I was witnefs,to7a5yery
wonderful battle between two, the „.offfg about,
threerfeet long^tbe other no more than fourteen-irwgh^;;
when, after a jevere eoiiteft of near half an hour,
which time the many wreathings and twiftiugi^fpepe
trulycUribus, the largeft gradually ftiifting;hisvgrdpe,n5t
lèngth cahght the jfmaJleft b p tb e bead* sndrftbfrljjLteljy
fwallowed him alive.
My negro boy about this time throwing out fome red-
hot embers, I was furprized to. fee thé frogs eat them,
with avidity, without receiving any. vifible damage from;
the fire, which moft probably they had; miftaken for the
fire-fly. I few another frog in the fugarwmill, feaftmg,
upon a regiment of ants, which are here very, numerous»
licking them up with his tongue as they marched beforefore
him. ' Another o f; thefe. animals flept every day '%
upon one of the beams of my cottage> which it regularly ,
left every n ig h t; this was called yómb'o-yombo by the negroes,
from its great, power in leaping: it is very fmallj
, alradft; flat, affine yellow, with blaek arid fcarief fpècks ;
it is frequently found, in the upper flories of boufês,
where itjarrivesfbyi climbing up .the walls!.. * We thought
; aninadl, ■ and s would ’ allow nobody to
hurt jt.y
r -;Onv the pIdrUingtM: the 8th* between and feven
p’cJfte^/iWhilfk we; !WereiiuteWng -one of my ;fejea»ts,
Wé hèafddhd :rëport oflfeweral minui® Jguns towards the
fiver Eirjca^ in .cqnfequenfce. of which, I immediately
detached an; officer and twelve, men to- - give- affiftaricé.
They returned hext'dayvwith-an account that the rebels
had ^attacked; the; ieftateiiof Kortymluar-y where/ having
pillaged; fomepowder, the plantation flhves being arméd *
by thehrJmafter, had, bravely bq^teft rthém Back’before
my affiiftdncd couM be-«if ufe. !
-d A>foa*Jkdjöhtünaent fiwib Cölbhel 'Föurgeoud- at Wana
Creek arrived at the Hope on the n th / with- 'S'èftember,
tbemegrü prifdner,who related-that the rébèfetiad fpoken
to Faurge'oud,' -and:.even laughed,* iat1 him, having %aver'i
heard him giving- his orders,- v iz.'riot to-fire on thefn1,
but |b take them alive: and that.aniongft thofe loft in th é
woods was the unlucky Schmidt, w-ho:had lately been fó
unmercifully;beaten/ and- of which'he'had never ^et
recovered. 1
About the 13th, the fpring floods brake 'dbwft' the
Voi*. I. T t dams,