rn^Telffwith^ifióïSb^tiatnd• paddling up the month of CHAP,
thëfcteêp* fWl'ua* Gïèêk,/Wil3ï k^a.noe; during ’whichr time , X'_ t
a Mr. Ruback, one tel-'» ouh'öïhêeFS''whai- was with me, ob-
fër ve?A/(in<f tó|ï asmangröve-ïtièë) - a battle between- a
IHafö^iiW^h^fthg'^and^fófJahi^ddMohal proof-that ;ftogSl
■afreto* $ ëTomSfi' I- refer th r e a d e r to the'Monthly
R^iéW5:foi^^atch)'ïf^,^^gè4Ê.99,‘ - Wherey ihthlfejAbbë
Sp^i^dzarlK'DlfreriatiOh upon* F&o|fs$ the Tree,Frog is
^rtrcuMrly uhérftlotiêd.' Bht finding this animal?amongft
the hfaficbes did-n§fhfó-ri^üfchhxerirüè'my-fiirprizéiras the
'cönfeft' 'bbtwëén* a ïhake and^aT’frogJ which I ftiall difi-
Tififöyrèlatö, in which- thê poor- frog- loft - the battle;
Indeed whVn"-I firft ‘-'perceived, him, his -ihead«i and
'fiiotlHefs were; already in the ja%s 'óf the fnake,.' Which
,laft ^appeared "tö me about thebize of a dar^e ’ kitchen.
^po1ter;,:and bad its taiïFtwrfted • round a- tohgh limb of
Wé tnan'gröve;jwhile the' f^dg? whora?ppeatéd ter be the
'fize óf a'manss'fift, had laid hold of a twigbwith; the
'claws"of its hinder légs,’-a£-with< hands. In t-histpofi-
:trdiï rwére thhy''cdntehdiri^'tKè^béëVfbr lifê,H tkenöthef
3föi' his dinhery ■ foMiih'g'fohbJ - iff sight line? between v the
"two' branchés, and thhs- F beheld' them vf©r ‘ fomé time,
apparently ftatioriary, and without a fl:rugg4e.*' Still I( was
•:himfelf) by Ms ëïÉrtiööiF buf th e irwgrfe'Was thö eafö,
yför thè^ jaws of th e .firiakè gfadüallyj»©lhxMgpland. hy
thëir elaftibity -forming an incredible orifice, the body
and fore-legstbf thê.fróg by little and little’ difappeared,
Vol. I» G g fill